Today Selters, tomorrow and Koviljača in the kovid system, the situation in Belgrade is the most difficult KURIR TELEVIZIJA


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar announced that from today the entire Selters spa will be converted to a kovid system and from tomorrow the Koviljača spa.

He said that the situation in Belgrade is the most difficult and that all available capacities have become kovid, as in Serbia.

At the press conference, Lončar again appealed to all citizens to respect the measures, to preserve health and life, and for all patients who need to receive hospital treatment and therapy.

At the same time, he thanked all health workers, doctors, nurses, support staff, all of the medical institutions, for their work and commitment, because they managed to preserve the health system and not let the infected work, as is the case in some cases. long countries.

They will have the support as before, Loncar said, but cautioned that there are no unlimited capabilities anywhere in the world, not even in Serbia.

He explained that the corona would not stop in 15 days, but that steps were taken to stop the increased risk that happened at night for two weeks and stop the transmission.

During the day, all measures must be respected, Loncar said, adding that now there will be enough communal militiamen to control.

“We want to save health, lives and the health system,” Minister Lončar said, adding that we need it in the future and that it will soon return to normal.


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