Today: RTS Board of Directors announced a competition for the director, Bujošević’s term expired


The Serbian Radio-Television Board of Directors (RTS) made a decision today by announcing a public competition for the appointment of the RTS Director General, because the current director, Dragan Bujosevic, has expired his five-year term.

This decision was made by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Law on Public Media Services in today’s ordinary session, reports RTS.

Until the decision is made on the appointment of the Director General, the role of the Acting Director General will be performed by the current Director General Dragan Bujošević.

Bujosevic was elected Managing Director of RTS on May 5, 2015. Since he turned 65 on January 15, 2019, and thus acquired the conditions to retire on a regular old-age pension, his term was extended at his request.

The Danas newspaper claims that Bujošević declined to answer “Danas’s” question if he will run again for RTS’s leadership position, considering that there are no legal obstacles to do so.

Today, he recalled that Bujosevic met the conditions for retirement last year, but requested that his term be extended, as well as in the last five years, provided that Bujosevic is the head of the public service, he is often from the opposition, the world academic and employees. At RTS there was a request to be replaced.

The opposition criticized RTS, demanding its greater representation, stating that the results of the media supervision show that government representatives, especially President Aleksandar Vučić, are more represented than all the others.
