Today new measures in Novi Sad; “They celebrate, that’s why they publish photos of crowds of hospitals” VIDEO


The mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, announced that the crisis personnel of that city will today adopt new measures against the epidemic of Kovid 19.

Source: B92

Print Screen: TV First

Print Screen: TV First

“We will not go out with the most restrictive and rigorous, to try to balance and protect the economy of the city,” he said.

Vučević told Prva TV that all demonstrations in Novi Sad will be banned until November 30, except for cultural ones.

“We will put emphasis on the defense of schools and kindergartens, to preserve the combined classes, there will be a transition of city services to work in two shifts, so as not to create crowds. We will abolish spa centers and swimming pools again, ”he announced.

When asked what measures the state’s crisis headquarters are planning, Vučević said the lockdown would surely lead to a drop in the number of infected people, but that it is necessary to save the economy.

He added that no one can rule out the possibility of introducing such rigorous measures.

“The largest number respect the measures, mainly the older citizens and the youngest. As the number gets closer to 20 or 30 years, less, I suppose they think that the youngest can not be infected, but they can be a source from transmission to sensitive categories, “said Vučević.

He also said that it is not fair to criticize only catering facilities for non-compliance with measures, because people organize celebrations in private, citing as an example the rental of houses for celebrations in Fruška gora.

“Then they tweet and post how crowded the hospital is, although they don’t care that it led directly to that situation. Those who often think they are smarter than doctors and the state are the first critics if something doesn’t work. No system. health in the world has the ability to receive all citizens at the same time, “he said.
