Today it is very important to do THIS THING


Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers celebrate Saint Matthew’s Day, a holiday dedicated to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew.

Matthew was a Jew and a wealthy tax collector. He earned income on the road from Capernaum from Galilee to Syria.

Taxpayers were not popular with the people, who did not appreciate them and considered them corrupt and ritually unclean. Matthew’s life changed when Jesus Christ called him to follow him, and then Christ included him among the 12 apostles.

Armed with divine power, he preached Christianity and healed the sick, cast out demons, healed lepers, and raised the dead. Matthew was an eyewitness and witness to the earthly life and death, resurrection and ascension to heaven of Jesus.

photo: Tamara Trajković

After receiving the Holy Spirit, the apostle first preached the gospel in Palestine, Jerusalem, and the surrounding area. After leaving Jerusalem, he preached Christianity in Macedonia, Syria, and Ethiopia.

According to tradition, the Holy Apostle Matthew wrote the first gospel, the Holy Gospel according to Matthew, and he is also called the Evangelist Matthew. Today it is good to read the Gospel that he wrote, but also to pay all the taxes and debts.

The prayer that should be said today is:

“In the midst of the toll maker who called the ruler Christ, he appeared on earth as a man of meekness, I followed him, the chosen apostle appeared, and the evangelist of the gospel of the universe went aloud.”

It is said that Saint Matthew never ate meat, but vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Saint Matthew’s Day is celebrated in many families, especially among Herzegovinian Serbs, as a baptismal holiday.

Matej is considered the protector of customs officials, tax collectors, bankers and accountants, which is why the Serbian Customs Administration has carried this day as his baptism since 2001.


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Author: delivery courier
