Today is the most difficult day for Serbia, this morning we had 47 deaths


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that today is the most difficult day for Serbia since the beginning of the epidemic.

– I saw this morning that we have 47 dead, which is by far the highest number so far. There will probably be more people at 2 pm The situation in the hospitals is terribly difficult. When you receive 10,000 people for an exam every day, and you have to place 1,000 of them in hospitals, and you have no spare beds, then it is clear what your situation is. It is useless to build hospitals more than ever if we are not disciplined and responsible.

The President indicated that we would be approaching a catastrophic scenario.

Regarding the vaccine, he said that they are negotiating with the Chinese, the British and the Russians, but that we still do not have the vaccine.

– Everybody tries, everybody tries. We will do our best to the extent that a small country like Serbia can be among the first small countries to receive significant amounts of money. We do not have scientists who make this vaccine in our country. It’s not me – said Vučić.

The president also said that whatever he did, he would be guilty, whether he was among the first to get the vaccine or not.


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