Today is the most difficult day for Serbia, more than 1,200 patients, the director of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Goran Stevanović (PHOTO / VIDEO)


President Aleksandar Vučić met today with the heads of all covid hospitals in Serbia.

The meeting came a day after a record number of people were infected within 24 hours of the epidemic started: 1,053. The number of hospitalized has almost doubled compared to last Monday, the number of patients with respirators is greater and there is concern that the exponential growth of the “crown of numbers” could endanger the functioning of the health system.

– Today is the most difficult day for Serbia. We will have more than 1,200 infected. Half of that is in Belgrade, Vučić said, adding that the yen meeting mainly discussed how to counter the health system with the virus.

Vučić emphasized that Serbia, despite the dramatic numbers, is still doing very well.

– We have made the decision that the 120,000 health workers will receive a financial support of 10,000 dinars. This shows that we want to reward them and continue the fight more. We also talked about the problems with professional staff, so we will accelerate the training of specialists and anesthesiologists for respirators – said Vučić.

The president emphasized that health workers will have the highest salary increase in the public sector.

The president said there were no new measures, but stressed that the authorities will severely sanction all those who do not respect the measures adopted.

– We have no other choice. We cannot stop the economy. We can’t even stop life – said Vučić and announced that some hospitals will switch to the kovid system.

According to him, the situation is especially difficult in Belgrade and Kragujevac.

– In Belgrade, we are already opening 30 new beds in “Dragiša Mišović”. Starting tomorrow, we will start with new beds in intensive care at Zemun Hospital – said Vučić and announced It is that the next hospital that will be kovid again will be the Municipal Hospital of Zvezdara.

The president says that there are more patients in the Belgrade Arena and begs people not to refuse to go to the Arena from hospitals. He added that there are problems in the dormitories because when it is discovered that one of the students finds out that he is infected, he wants to go inside, where he can create a problem.

Dr. Stevanovic is also infected

The big problem, as the president says, is that a large number of medical workers are infected.

– The director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, is infected. We take care of your health – revealed Vucic.

photo: Tanjug Printscreen

Serbia is doing very well with medical equipment and medicines. We have 955 stable respirators in stock and 114 mobiles in reserve.

The president adds that they are asking us for the drug rendesivir and other drugs from neighboring countries and even from members of the EU.

– In proportion to the number of inhabitants, we will receive the highest number of influenza vaccines. This reduces the danger of flu and corona colliding in hospitals, Vučić said, thanking Hungary and Germany for their help.

Kovid hospital construction progresses as planned

Vučić stated that the construction works for two new covid hospitals in Batajnica and Kruševac are going according to plan and that the Batajnica hospital will be open on December 1 and that the institution in Kruševac will start accepting patients by the end of the year at the latest. .

The President of Serbia said that a part of the professional staff of the Serbian Clinical Center will work in the huge Batajnica hospital, but that new staff will be hired and certain activities will be outsourced, such as food preparation, hygiene, laundry …, together with the equipment, they cost between 80 and 90 million euros.

The Krusevac hospital should be finished by December 15 or 20, so that it can receive patients before the end of this year.

The President once again appealed to the public to respect the epidemiological measures.

– It is difficult to obtain a signature that the corona vaccine will be used. We have signed with the Germans, we expect a minimum quantity of vaccines by the end of the year, we are negotiating with the Russians and the Chinese, but they do not have approval to send … We will buy the vaccine for the crown as soon as it appears and it will be free for all citizens – said Vucic.

The state of emergency is decided by crisis personnel

When asked if there will be a state of emergency if the number of infected continues to grow and if he will agree with the opinion of epidemiologists Predrag Kon and Branislav Tiodorovic, Vucic said that crisis personnel decide on this.

– These people are responsible and know better than me, we only have to pay salaries and pensions and it is better that we do not get into that situation. Nobody introduces such measures because they like it very much or because they threaten, but these measures are taken out of fear to save the lives of our people. The state of emergency has never been a political decision, we are only here to support your decision. That is our job, they tell us to make medicines, vaccines, respirators, we find them, that is what we are doing and that is the job of the state to protect the lives of our people – Vucic replied.

The president stressed that regardless of the statistics of recent days, Serbia keeps the situation under control.

The figures are worrying, but the situation is still better than in other parts of Europe. I express special thanks to the doctors, we talk about how to show respect to those people, we made the decision that by the end of the year, all health workers will receive a one-time support of 10,000 dinars. We are ready to build new and fast temporary hospitals, the only thing I do not know is where we will find doctors and medical personnel. There are more and more people on respirators and in the hospital and that is growing exponentially, the situation is worrying, but we are not panicking and we are keeping things under control. It is not under absolute control, but incomparably more so than other countries in the world, Europe and the region.

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– I’m asking people to stay that way. Serbia ranks fifth compared to the rest of Europe, but that is changing in a day or two. That is why I ask people to save the lives of young and old. Avoid meeting 300 people indoors. See how to protect yourself, it’s not for us, it’s for you. Undoubtedly, the numbers will increase, but we must do everything possible to avoid it – said Vučić and thanked the citizens who respect the measures and act responsibly.

The deputy director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Ivana Milošević, also said that the number of patients is growing dramatically and warned that when it starts like this, it is difficult to return things to their previous state and appealed to people to avoid risks and wear masks.

Epidemiologist Mijomir Pelemis stressed that Serbia does not need new measures and a curfew, but that everyone adheres to the current measures.

photo: print screen

– I call on the authorities to rigorously control whether the measures are respected. Everyone is in danger. Young people also die from this disease. Only by respecting the measures can this be stopped. I don’t know if there is anyone who does not know someone who is infected – said Pelemis.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar, Secretaries of State Berislav Vekić and Mirsad Đerlek and epidemiologists were also present at the meeting with those who are fighting the battle on the front lines against kovid.

( Zorana Jevtic)

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