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Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the faithful celebrate the day of the Holy Great Martyr Dimitrije.
The holiday is better known to people like Mitrovdan, and it ranks fifth on the list of the biggest Serbian celebrations according to the number of those who celebrate it.
Mitrovdan is a fixed or permanent holiday, which means that it is always on the same date (November according to the new calendar or October 26 according to the old calendar) and is marked on the church calendar with a red letter.
Numerous temples were dedicated to Saint Demetrius in medieval Serbia, including the church at the Pec Patriarchate and the chapel at the Visoki Decani monastery.
In the Serbian village, Mitrovdan is one of the biggest celebrations, the first name of some guilds, but also the day of keeping the vote in many places.
There is a belief that on the eve of Mitrovdan all great work must be completed, especially great work in the field and other things that are done outside, but also that this is not a holiday when guests are received.
Also, as popular beliefs dictate, on Mitrovdan’s Eve and St. George’s Day, everyone should be at home, because whoever is not at home then will spend the night in other people’s homes throughout the year.
Mitrovdan is also believed to predict what winter will be like. If the day is sunny, the winter is supposed to be mild, with some extremely cold days. If it snows in Mitrovdan, it is believed to last until April.
In Serbia, there is also a belief that young children should not be scolded in Mitrovdan, no matter how wrong or rude, because they are supposed to be naughty all year long.
Villagers of Šumadija have been placing pebbles (stones) in every corner of the room in Mitrovdan for a long time to protect them from mice. Women do not touch the spindle, combs, and scissors on this day.
Dimitrije was the commander of Thessaloniki and lived in the 3rd century.
When he received an order from the emperor to persecute Christians, he paid no attention to it, but publicly preached the Christian faith.
The enraged emperor threw Dimitri in prison for it. An angel appeared to him in the dungeon and strengthened him in his sufferings.
He was executed a few days later. The Thessalonian Christians secretly buried Dimitrije, later a church was built on the site of his grave and he was proclaimed protector of that city, and is still today.
The cult of this great Christian martyr quickly reached our lands.
In medieval Serbia, numerous temples were dedicated to him, including the church in the Pec Patriarchate and the chapel in the Visoki Decani monastery.

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