TODAY IS MIHOLJDAN! The rules are not like for other holidays, and one thing is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN


Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers celebrate the feast of St. Kirjak, popularly known as Miholjdan.

According to popular belief, after Miholjdan, the true autumn begins, which has already begun on the calendar.

Miholjdan is a festival dedicated to Saint Kiriak the Hermit, when people call Saint Miholj, hence the name of the festival.

The saint was born in Corinth and in his youth dedicated himself to God and faith. Saint Jeftimije noticed and saw through him as a future great cleric, and took him under his wing.

Saint Kiriak said that the sun has not seen him since he was a monk to eat or be angry with someone. The Church considers her a great light, a pillar of orthodoxy in the form of monasticism. She is a powerful healer of the sick and a gentle comforter of the sad.

While reading the Holy Scriptures, he began to admire the structure of the salvation of the human race from an early age, and his desire for a spiritual life led him to Jerusalem, where he entered a monastery and received initial instructions on monastic life.

He remained in various monasteries where, dedicating himself to the Christian faith, he fought against heresy.

Towards the end of his life, he remained in the monastic family of Saint Chariton, where the monks ate once a day at sunset.

The monks respected Kirjak as a healer and comforter of the sick and unwilling. He lived 109 years and died in 557 in the desert, where he spent his old age and the last years of his life.

The Orthodox calendar also mentions the consecration of the Basilica of St. Michael in the vicinity of Rome on this holiday, which is the explanation of the name of the holiday.

The Orthodox calendar also mentions the consecration of the Basilica of St. Michael in the vicinity of Rome on this holiday, which is the explanation of the name of the holiday.

Tomorrow is a very unusual day. Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants throughout Europe have celebrated St. Michael’s Day as a holiday centuries ago on the same day (October 12 according to the Gregorian and New Julian calendars, and September 29 according to the Old Julian calendar). That is why this date is unique among Christians of various congregations.


Somehow, today is not like others. Unlike many other church holidays, when “this or that is forbidden,” people say that on this day you really need to work, but not at home. There is also a belief that one should not marry in Miholjdan. And this belief is also based on the fact that the wedding guests could not gather guests because everyone is busy with other jobs to prepare for winter.

Miholjdan is celebrated mainly by Orthodox believers on the coast, because he is the protector of sailors.

In Boka, Miholjdan is also called a lord’s feast, because it was celebrated by the famous families of admirals and captains in that area. This day is not good for sailing, the sailing must first be held at home and then go to sea. Those born on this day are especially gifted and blessed, and it is believed that they will be very lucky in life.

In Serbia, it is celebrated as a baptismal holiday, but not in a large number of families. According to popular belief, the true autumn comes from Miholjdan, because it is exactly three weeks until Lucindan, and the saying goes “Saint Luke, snow to the hip”.
