Today is cloudy and dry, so will winter according to popular belief


THE WEATHER IS FORECAST ON THE DAY OF THE CROSS: Today is cloudy and dry, this is what winter will be like according to popular belief

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Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and believers celebrate the Day of the Cross, and many Orthodox customs are associated with this great holiday.

Many are still respected in Serbia today. Our people believe that on the Day of the Cross holes should be dug to plant fruit trees, so that their branches branch out as much as possible. In the vicinity of Leskovac, on this day, church people consecrated basil, grapes, wheat, and apples. That consecrated basil was held with an icon and then used for various healings.

In many places, the weather is predicted today. It is believed that if it is cloudy on the Day of the Cross, winter will be rich in snow, and if it is dry, next year it will be dry.

The thunder of the Day of the Cross is also believed to herald a fertile year. If the Day of the Cross is cloudy, winter will be snowy. If it is clear, there will be dry frost.

It is customary to collect and consecrate basil on the Day of the Cross. It is celebrated as a baptismal festival.

This festival is also called the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.


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