Today is Alimpijevdan, the feast of cattle breeders, who pray for their health next year.


Saint Olympia the Stylite was born around 522 into a very pious family, in Andrianopolje. Even as a child he dedicated himself to the service of God.

Although loved by all, he aspired to a solitary way of life, so, seeking a peaceful place for total surrender to God, he stopped at a cemetery from which people fled.

There he placed a cross and built the temple of Santa Eufemia, his patron saint. Next to the temple, he erected a column, a column, he climbed it, that is why he was called a columnist, and there, in fasting and prayer, he spent 53 years.

Over time, people began to respect him and came seeking comfort, instruction, and healing.

He lived about a hundred, another 112 years. His relics are still healing today.

Its cult is widespread among Serbs and is celebrated as a baptismal festival. Due to the Christmas fast, the holiday is always fasting.

It is said among the people that he overcame the plague, stopped the leprosy, repelled the noxious winds, and performed various other miracles.

It is also celebrated by farmers, which is why nowadays draft animals are not slaughtered.

It is believed that people go to church early today so that everything will be healthy next year.
