TODAY, D-DAY FOR THE NEW GOVERNMENT At least 50 percent of the departments will be headed by women, in the coalition of both Sapic and SPS?


The new Serbian government, headed by Ana Brnabić, will be made up of 50 percent women, two new ministries and, presumably, Šapić’s coalition of progressives, socialists and SPAS.

After almost four months since the parliamentary elections were held, today, after the session of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party, the composition of the new government, who will form the majority of the coalition, as well as who will be must be known. The ministers. In previous months, all the information was kept in the strictest secrecy. In fact, it was not necessary, because except for the president of Serbia and the SNS, Aleksandar Vučić, no one knew the details.

About ten days ago, he mentioned for the first time that he would propose two new departments and reinforcements in the form of ministers to Prime Minister-designate Brnabić.

In a television program two nights ago, Brnabic noted that there will be a lot of energy in the new government and also confirmed that half of the government will be women. During the previous months, the public speculated that they could be Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Irena Vujović, Marija Obradović …

During the previous months, the public speculated that the new ministers could be Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Irena Vujović, Marija Obradović ...Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

During the previous months, the public speculated that the new ministers could be Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Irena Vujović, Marija Obradović …

Brnabić stated that she is proud of many ministers and that many did a great job.

He noted that it is true that some ministers went to foreign embassies to lobby for themselves.

– That is the worst thing anyone can do for himself, that is what President Vučić once said. The more an embassy lobbies for someone, the less likely they are to become a minister. That is the worst possible recommendation – emphasized the prime minister.

The idea is to have the widest possible social consensus on difficult issues - said Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabić Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

The idea is to have the widest possible social consensus on difficult issues – said Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabić

He said that the SNS received the greatest support from citizens, and that is exactly why the great responsibility falls on the backs of progressives: to form the best possible government to continue the progress of Serbia.

– So we wait, as some criticized us. No one has ever had so much responsibility, that is, so much trust from citizens. We must do everything we can to justify that confidence, Brnabić declared.

He said that although the results are good, they will not put his government to sleep, but the state will start a stronger fight against organized crime.

– Citizens will see serious changes in this regard and no one will be protected – said Brnabić.

Sapic's party approaches a coalition with progressivesPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Sapic’s party approaches a coalition with progressives

Although it is certainly not known who will join the ruling coalition, the media have been writing in recent days that it will be the widest possible and that, in addition to the SNS and SPS, Shapic’s Serbian Patriotic Alliance will also enter. The Prime Minister’s statement speaks in favor of:

– The idea is to have the greatest possible social consensus on difficult issues.

According to “Blic”, the socialists should have fewer terms than before, given the outcome of the elections, and those who remain ministers will most likely win other portfolios.

There is more and more talk of non-partisan personalities entering government, and today we will discover how many such examples there will be.

Dacic's party approaches a coalition with progressivesPhoto: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

Dacic’s party approaches a coalition with progressives

Some sources close to Vučić say that at least five SNS ministers will be replaced, as well as that a place alongside Ana Brnabić is guaranteed only for Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimović and Finance Siniša Mali.

Vučić has been known for a long time to come under various pressure since the June 21 elections when it comes to the composition of the government. He was pressured by the progressives, who insisted that all ministers be from the Serbian Progressive Party, and the small coalition partners were no less demanding. Everyone thought they deserved to have an apartment, although not everyone deserved it with the results. Finally, perhaps the strongest pressures came from some foreign embassies. People came to Vučić and told him that they had the personal support of Vladimir Putin or Richard Grenel.

Due to international obligations, the wait for the new government was longer than usual, and Vučić had a difficult task because there were four or five candidates for practically each of the departments. That list has now been reduced to the exact number, and the citizens of Serbia will discover the names tonight after the SNS Presidency session.

Pejic: I expect the same number of ministers, the SNS does not have to make concessions

The director of the Factor Plus Agency, Vladimir Pejić, believes that the Serbian government will have roughly the same number of ministries as before, because the SNS is not in a situation where it must satisfy the appetites of the coalition partners.

– The SNS can form the government independently and does not have to make concessions to give the partners ministerial positions or other high positions, so many ministries are not needed – Pejić evaluated for Tanjug.

Vladimir Pejić Photo: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug

Vladimir Pejić

It says that certain ministries can be divided, which President Aleksandar Vučić also spoke about, and it is difficult to say now which ministries will be divided and in what way. Asked if he expects someone from the opposition, who did not pass the census, to be a minister, Pejic said that this is all speculation now, but added that he would not be surprised if Vucic invited one of them or a nonpartisan person. Earlier, Pejić estimated that the new government will be in a form of concentration, that is, that the SPS will be in the coalition with the progressives, but also Aleksandar Šapić’s SPAS, the only question, he says, is at what level.


Brnabic with the leaders of SPS and SPAS

Tomorrow, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić will hold consultations on the composition of the new government with representatives of the Socialist Party of Serbia and the Serbian Patriotic Alliance, “Blic” has learned exclusively.

According to our interlocutor, Ivica Dačić and his associates first arrived at the Serbian Government at 8 in the morning and then at Aleksandar Šapić at 9 in the morning.

VIDEO: Vucic – As soon as the Government is formed, Kosovo is an issue before the Assembly
