Today, cigarette prices, TV subscriptions, PCR tests are higher – Economy


As of today, cigarette prices, TV subscriptions, PCR tests are higher in Serbia, property tax has been increased, and in 2021, citizens will expect new taxes as well as an increase in the price of electricity.

Today, higher cigarette prices, TV subscriptions, PCR tests 1Photo: Pixabay / stevepb

Cigarettes have been 10 dinars more expensive per pack since January, and citizens of Belgrade and Kragujevac are also expecting an increase in the price of water, H1 Business reported.

Subscription to the public service is also more expensive: for RTS and RTV, instead of 255 dinars, we will pay 299 dinars per month. This is defined by the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law for the Temporary Determination of the Form of Collection of the Public Media Service Fee, which entered into parliamentary proceedings on November 27.

By far the largest increase is related to PCR tests for the corona virus, which is now 9,000 dinars compared to 6,000.

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