Today, at 12 noon, the number of infected and dead is HIGHER THAN YESTERDAY


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić says that today the number of people infected and killed by the corona virus in Serbia is up to 12 o’clock higher than yesterday.

He said the crown’s numbers are getting worse.

– And the number of people infected with kovid 19, according to the cross-section at 12 o’clock, is somewhat worse than yesterday at noon. And the death toll is higher than yesterday, said the Prime Minister of Serbia.

As she said, the whole country is in a difficult situation.

– I call on everyone to understand this struggle as a struggle of each individual throughout society, I ask that the measures be respected, that we help health workers – said Brnabić after signing the contract with the contractor for reconstruction and construction of KC Vojvodina.

He said that this is an important time for further strengthening of Serbian health care, which is one of the government’s priorities.

– We have been working on this for a long time. Thank you to the EIB, which oversees investments in the Serbian healthcare system, for working with us to reach this agreement. I look forward to the day when we lay the first stone, I hope it will be in 30 to 45 days, when all the conditions are met – said Brnabić.

He pointed out that the investment in the reconstruction and construction of KCV is part of a broader cycle of investments in healthcare, launched in 2015 as the project “One billion euros in healthcare in Serbia”. She recalled that the works were completed at KC Nis, which, according to her, is the first completed clinical center in the history of Serbia, with an investment of 53 million euros.

– The reconstruction and upgrade of the Serbian Clinical Center is underway, and I hope that by the end of 2021 we can open a completely new KCS – said Brnabić, adding that a tender for the reconstruction and upgrade of KC Kragujevac is expected soon.

He said that almost 80 primary health care establishments, health centers and ambulances have been built, for which 16 million euros have been allocated, and that work is being done on the construction of six health centers, worth 15 million .

Furthermore, more than € 202 million have been invested so far in general hospitals and health centers throughout Serbia, some of which are ongoing, as well as more than € 300 million in the construction of specialized clinics and hospitals, such as Tirsova, KBC Zemun, “Dr Dragiša Mišović”, phase 1 of the Emergency Center.

– Thanks to all that, we can take care of all patients, especially kovid, but also fight for non-kovid patients. Almost all the health institutions that we built served to have a good response to this pandemic, because they served as a covid hospital – said Brnabić.

He recalled that the construction works of two covid hospitals, in Batajnica and Krusevac, are underway, in which 80 million euros have been invested.

– All this, without equipment and without specialization, and shows how much the focus is on health and its strengthening. That remains one of the government’s three key priorities – said Brnabić, adding that the agreement is “a good sign that will continue.”

The Prime Minister thanked all healthcare workers, all KCV employees, but also healthcare workers throughout Serbia, who are fighting against the corona virus.

– Everything they do is admirable. Whatever we do, we will never be able to reimburse enough for all that health workers did, who are under increasing pressure by the day, because the numbers are getting worse, Brnabić said.
