Today another measure was adopted in the fight against the crown, which cannot be implemented. The law goes URGENTLY IN THE PROCEDURE, that’s when the PUNISHMENT will begin


Although the fight against the coronavirus is a priority in Serbia and daily calls are made to respect the measures that prevent its spread, Serbia has long been in a vicious circle: the measures are being approved in vain because there is no mechanism to implement them. . That should finally come to an end.

As we found out, the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases have just reached the Serbian Assembly, which should practically allow a strict financial punishment for violating the measures, on the spot. To our knowledge, these changes will be adopted by urgent procedure.

– The law reached the assembly with an urgent procedure. The session will be immediately after the budget rebalancing, most likely on Friday November 13, said the President of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić, in favor of “Blic”.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

This practically means that when the law is approved, eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette, a mandatory fine could begin.

Why is a law necessary?

The measures that are in place in Serbia, as the Minister of Labor and staff member Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said today, are not among the most stringent that currently exist worldwide.

However, they are meaningless due to the lack of a legal basis to implement them successfully.

Complete nonsense can be seen in the example of today’s new measure: the ban on gathering more than 5 people both indoors and outdoors. Even those who brought it in at this time do not know exactly what it means, how and when it will be applied, or how its violation will be sanctioned. Because, until now, there has been a similar measure: a ban on meetings for more than 30 people, and a dead letter has remained on paper.

Serbia is now in practically an absurd situation: no masks are worn and there are no sanctions, meetings are forbidden, but we meet, clubs cannot work after 11pm, but they work and are full. The only practical solution is to change the law.

As previously announced, the Government approved two days ago the Bill to Reform the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, because it is necessary to ensure strict compliance with the measures to protect the health and life of citizens , preserve the health system and the economy of the country.

A crisis staff member and minister Dr. Kisić, when asked by “Blic” when the amendments to the law, which make it possible to punish non-compliance with the measures, would be approved, said today that it would take eight days to enter into force, but was clear when it would. be brought.

– The Law for the Protection of Residents of Infectious Diseases now has some changes, and the most important thing regarding the prevention of covids is the imposition of a mandatory sentence, which can be imposed on the spot. The amount of the fine is 5,000 dinars for citizens, and 30,000 to 300,000 for legal entities that did not allow to respect the measure – he said.

Darija Kisić TepavčevićPhoto: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

The changes, by the way, contemplate the introduction of personal protection measures and greater responsibility of citizens, for whose implementation, in addition to the sanitary inspection, the communal inspection and communal militia are in charge, both for natural and legal persons.

The amount of fines for not wearing masks indoors and for not respecting physical distance will remain unchanged at 5,000 dinars for individuals and 50,000 to 300,000 for legal entities, but their application will be faster and more efficient.
