Today 3,339 newly infected, 16 patients died


CROWN ROCKER BEFORE STRICT MEASURES BY WEEKEND: Today 3,339 newly infected, 16 patients died

Photo: Printscreen, Shutterstock

In the last 24 hours, 14,128 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 3,339 were recently infected.

16 patients died.

condition cross section, 26.2.2021., corona virus
photo: Printscreen

Currently there are 159 patients on ventilators throughout Serbia.

So far, a total of 1,393,035 citizens have been vaccinated and 506,949 have been revaccinated.

Let us remind you, based on yesterday’s data, 15,074 citizens were tested, 3,588 of whom were recently infected, and sadly 15 patients died.

Cross section by cities:

According to the latest data, most of the new infected are in Belgrade, where another 1,003 new cases of coronavirus have been registered.

Nis also has a triple digit number of new infected, where another 194 new infected have been confirmed, followed by Novi Sad with 139, Kraljevo with 104 and Kragujevac, where another 101 new cases have been registered.

In other places, the number of newly infected is in two digits:

Vranje 94

Kruševac 87

Arandjelovac 49

Subotica 48

Pancevo and Paracin after 46

Jagodine 45

Valjevo and Aleksandrovac 40 each

Live 39

Aleksinac 38

Parish 35

Novi Pazar 34

Smederevo 33

Sabac 31

Social protection institutions

144 users and 232 employees were infected in social protection institutions and homes for adults and the elderly, announced the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs.

As indicated, a total of 5,285 users of social protection institutions and 2,246 employees of those institutions were cured.

By the way, this morning the Crisis Staff met for the fight against coronavirus and in the session new epidemiological measures were discussed to prevent further spread of the virus.

According to the first unofficial information, the decision was made that on Saturdays and Sundays all cafes, restaurants and shopping centers will operate until 2 in the afternoon, and from Monday the working hours will return as before, that is, until 8 the night.


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Author: delivery courier
