Today 3,118 tests were carried out in Belgrade due to the suspicion of the corona virus


BELGRADE – Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar declared today that in Belgrade a total of 3,118 examinations were carried out in kovid dispensaries and hospitals in the last 24 hours, of which about 2,200 were the first examinations. , stated that more than 80 patients have been admitted to KBC “Zvezdara”, which is once again a hospital, since yesterday, as well as that the capacity of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinic exceeds 90 percent, RTS reported.

According to him, in the Infectious Diseases Clinic more than 250 examinations were performed in the last 24 hours, and now there are 273 patients in the Arena, while another 237 places are available.

The German ambassador to Serbia, Thomas Schieb, said that the German government donation, in addition to five respirators worth € 145,000, also contains disposable gloves, and that the German vaccine manufacturer provided 200,000 pieces of flu vaccine.

KCS Director Milika Ashanin said the Clinical Center “has two to three times more people infected in this wave than in the first and second waves,” and that between 10 and 15 percent of covid patients they must be admitted to the hospital.


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