Today, 265 newly infected, 2 died, Belgrade remains the most infected


LAST CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA, SALTO AGAIN: Today 265 new infected, 2 died, Belgrade is still the most infected

Photo: Printscreen, Ana Paunković, Shutterstock

BELGRADE – In the last 24 hours, 265 new infected with the virus were registered in Serbia. Two died and 23 patients were on respirators. 7,429 people were tested.

Belgrade remains the most infected with 106 newly infected. Most are between 20 and 40 years old.

photo: Printscreen

Sudden jump of infected in Zajecar, today 8 new cases

In Zajecar, on the basis of 29 samples processed, eight positive for the corona virus were registered today, it was published on the city’s website. As they say, of that number, six people are men and two women, between 29 and 75 years old.

The website indicates that the Headquarters of Emergency Situations, if such a trend in the number of infected people continues, as well as the failure to comply with the prescribed measures, will consider hardening the measures and punishing offenders in accordance with the law and the decisions of the Crisis Staff of the Republic.


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Author: delivery courier
