Tiodorovic: Possible easing of H1 Serbia measures


The crisis headquarters for the fight against the coronavirus will consider today the mitigation of some measures and the possibility of allowing the holding of some demonstrations that have already been postponed several times.

As a staff member, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, stated before the start of the session, the epidemiological situation is stable, Serbia is among the best in Europe with seven patients per 100 thousand inhabitants, but that the virus is still there and that caution must remain heightened.

This good situation is a merit of the responsible behavior of the neighbors, so that any decision of the headquarters on mitigating measures, either on some manifestations, or on the extension of the working day of the catering facilities, the main condition for this It will meet three basic conditions – masks. a distance of two meters and disinfection not only of the hands but also of objects and space ”, Tiodorović told RTS.

He hopes that some cultural and sporting events will be allowed, because that is important for citizens, but he explained that it depends on the organizers of each event if we will be able to implement everything without disturbing the current good situation.

Tiodorović estimated that it will be difficult to implement measures in the Belgrade Marathon and that several thousand people can hardly keep their distances and take care of themselves and others.

The doctor does not expect big problems when the flu season begins, because the data from the countries where, as he said, “the flu comes before us”, there was no great spread of the infection this year.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
