Tiodorović: Let’s consider what could be the consequence of one night


Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović, speaking on New Year’s Eve, asked people at the Crisis Staff press conference to think about “what might be the consequence of one night, an event that seems necessary and under control to us.” The consequences, he says, “were a party day or night, exactly the same.”

Epidemiologist Tiodorović says this is a “turning point.”

Because we must understand the need of the population to say goodbye to this difficult year that we will remember for a long time in all aspects, and welcome the new one with a look to the future. That is why we fully understand those who want to celebrate, but who do so under conditions. measures, you know what the measures are, everything has to be well organized, hence this invitation to private parties, to those who want to celebrate it as they see fit, but that is not more than the number of people that is minimum, to protect their the health and the health of others, ”he says.

He added that he is sure that the majority are willing to do so.

“Celebrate the arrival of the New Year in a different way than what we are used to, with fewer gatherings, in conditions that allow it, so that the next New Year, the next holidays, in the next 2021, we are in a much better situation, with more enthusiasm, with greater enthusiasm dedicated to our future and thinking about what could be the consequence of one night, an event that seems necessary and under control ”, says Tiodorović.

He points out that if those private parties are massive, if they are “20 or 50 in one place, a thousand times, you already have the numbers in front of you.”

“And it doesn’t have to be this way, we all want to celebrate the New Year in the best way, happy and joyful that we are going to enter the New Year, and try to forget everything that happened in this difficult year, and can not forget , especially those who have lost their loved ones, ”he said.

The consequences, he says, “were a party day or night, exactly the same.”

“The consequences are unhealthy. It is sad to see a girl die in ’93, did it have to happen? I’m sure not. Young people have the right to life, they have the right to enjoy it, but at least they control themselves now”. “Whether it’s a party day or night, it doesn’t matter, the consequences are dire,” he says.

Kon: I can say that it will be better next year, because we have a vaccine.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that “the epidemiological situation remains extraordinary, even though the figures show, slowly but surely, that it is improving.”

“Hospitals are still full, there are huge problems from a large number in intensive care, a large number of ventilators … It is possible that it will get worse if we relax during the holidays. Extortion has led to measures that make it practically impossible to wait and repeat, these are special circumstances in which transmission is as possible as in all other situations, ”he says.

In particular, he called for “neither should there be private meetings and to refrain as much as possible from mass celebrations.”

“Because in those circumstances, the behavior changes and the possibility of transmission increases. But regardless of that, New Year’s Eve is important, it is necessary to celebrate, the only thing I would say is to preserve health, and make us all better New Years, and we will provide it by somehow reducing the need for a much larger gathering and spending it in smaller amounts to save health and life.In the next one it will be better, I can say that, because we have a vaccine, we will have more vaccines, already It is not the same situation as at the beginning, this 2020 will not be repeated in this way as we had ”, says Kon.

Udovicic: Stay home so we can celebrate many more years together

The commander of the Karaburma military hospital, Colonel Dr. Ivo Udovicic, asked not to forget the health workers who “entered consciously, sacrificed their lives and sadly died of kovida-19”.

“Regardless of the numbers, the situation is still very difficult for us doctors. Most of the problems are with the places in the intensive care units, as well as with the trained staff. No matter how many of us there are, we do our best effort with each patient, with dedication, to the maximum, all day, in spacesuits, sacrificing ourselves and our health, we fight for each patient, sadly, sometimes we fail, I must say that there are still young and old among the dead. Again, I am addressing the younger population – take care of yourself, take care of your elders, “says Udovicic.

He notes that “we have many more new years to celebrate.”

“Some crazy party will bring you pleasure for 3,4,5 hours, but it can bring you trouble for the rest of your life. Stay home so we can celebrate many more new years together,” he says.

Loncar: Thanks to the heroes, time will show what they did.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar says the year is coming to an end and that we all know how it was and what we survived. “

“I’m sure most of us want to forget about it sooner, get through this sooner, enter the new year and do better,” he says.

He says he took the opportunity to thank some people.

First of all, heroes, health workers, doctors, nurses, technicians, nurses, cleaners, waitresses, cleaners, drivers, secretaries of directors Goran Stevanovic, Milika, Marko, Vlado Lukic, who worked, led, helped all patients , people in labs. , not only doctors, but also veterinarians, those who prepared the food, especially the medical workers who are now in hotels, who are not with their families, people from the Crisis Staff, all the soldiers, policemen, especially for the period when we had a state of emergency, when they were located next to covid hospitals and infection rooms, “he says.

He adds that now we are not even aware of what these people did and what they are doing.

“Only time will show how they reacted, sacrificed, with how much knowledge and skills they dealt with something that is completely new, which was not only in Serbia, but a plague that spread to the whole world,” says the minister.

Speaking of New Year’s Eve, he says that inspections and communal militias will be enough.

“All those who announced the festivities, return the money to the people on time, cancel it, it will not be possible, the health system could not bear that, and their festivities. Gentlemen, that is not going to happen this year, it must be completed by 6 pm, that is shops until 8 pm, whatever is found after that, people will be kicked out of the bar in the same second, and the bars will be closed , and anyone who believes that the inspection will happen at 8.9 am, so that they open at 11 pm for their guests, it will not be possible, “he says.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
