Tiodorović: If this continues, we will have to think about the state of emergency


The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Branislav Tiodorović, stated that the situation had not improved and added that, if something did not change, they would have to think about introducing more rigorous measures.

Branislav Tiodorović shudders RTS He said the existing measures are pretty good if everyone sticks to them and if they are properly controlled.

Tiodorović says that the profession hoped that the situation would calm down and that we would have a better trend.

“That did not happen, there may be stagnation and it is not an optimistic assessment. We will have to adopt measures that can be more efficient to achieve the goal and better enter the holidays,” said the epidemiologist.

Noting that “we don’t need false populism,” Tiodorović said that if this continues, crisis personnel will have to think about introducing a state of emergency and a curfew.

“It all depends on whether we show responsibility,” said the epidemiologist.

He points out that measures should certainly be introduced for Serbian citizens coming to the country from abroad, and measures such as those in force in those countries.

“A negative PCR test, no longer than 48 hours, and those who do not have it, will have to be in quarantine for 10 days. The safest thing is to apply what is already applied in Europe. There will be green lists, which will include some countries such as Finland, which is the best, Estonia, “said a crisis staff member.

Tiodorović explains that all the reports, especially in the local autonomous governments, say that the measures are well controlled and yet a situation has arisen in which many people request hospitalization.

He compared Kruševac with Trstenik, which has a much smaller population, and the number of infected in those two places is roughly the same.

“However, something is not working there. The local self-government must better implement the measures. Perhaps that will put us in a situation where the measures will be stricter,” said the epidemiologist.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
