Tiodorović for the introduction of curfew in areas where control is not possible


A member of the crisis staff, Branislav Tiodorović, said that the need to introduce a driving ban, i.e. the curfew, had not yet been assessed.

“The Crisis Staff proposes to the Government, based on the situation of the epidemic, to make a decision on the curfew. There is still no such assessment. My opinion is that this measure should be applied selectively to those environments where, despite all efforts, the epidemiological situation is not controlled, “he said. Tiodorović for the portal Nova.rs.

Earlier, Tiodorovic said school closings and curfews were not yet in the limelight. However, it does not seem to completely rule out that possibility.

“We are still far from the decision to close schools and completely switch to online classes. Also, I don’t think we can talk about a curfew, it is not yet the time for something like that. However, if this continues and if it grows They have to come to consider all the measures that can be used to control the general epidemiological situation, “he said.

He admits that he is concerned about the current epidemiological situation, and Belgrade stands out in particular.

“I am concerned about the increase in the number of infected people and the expectation that today we are in the three-digit number, and it could be in the four-digit number. Probably, given the general trends these days, Belgrade will continue to be the example. clearer increase. must be implemented, “says Tiodorović.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
