Time runs at 5.55, and no one would believe that this is what a day in Zabela is like! SAM IS 19 YEARS OLD


LEGIJA'S GODFATHER REVEALS THE DETAILS OF THE PRISON: The clock strikes 5.55 and no one would believe that this is their day in Zabela!  SAM IS 19 YEARS OLD

Photo: Facebook print screen

Nenad Bujosevic, 47, a former member of the Red Berets and godfather to Milorad Ulemek Legija, 52, is serving a 35-year sentence for the murder of Ivan Stambolic and the quadruple murder of an SPO official on the Ibar road, and his friend reveals how he spends his days in incendiary “Zabeli”.

– Rambo tells me it’s great and jokes “to enjoy tourism.” Not in solitary confinement, but in some kind of isolation. In fact, he is only for safety reasons, because psychologists have concluded that he is mentally and physically strong. Solitary confinement is considered a punishment, which is not the case for him. He doesn’t want to leave her, he says it’s great that he’s alone, but that makes him a problem for other things. You cannot go out on weekends and holidays and you do not have the right to parole. It was placed in the Seventh Pavilion 10 years ago because it was the worst place they could place it at the time. Now he wants to go out to a more open type of ward, with work obligations – says Rambo’s friend.

He also tells us about a day in prison for a former captain of the Special Operations Unit (JSO).

– He gets up at seven, but the clock always cheers at 5.55. The training begins at 6.45, and at 7.15 they take him for a walk. He warms up in the cell and trains outside for another hour and a half or two. He recently told me: “I’m training to the core! Afterward, I go to eat, read books, watch documentaries on TV, play Sony PlayStation. I like documentaries better, no matter which ones, because I don’t need translation. I don’t have biceps or triceps at my height, but I train different sports “. He suffers a bit from English and German, which he has known for a long time. He tried something else, but it didn’t work because it wasn’t shaped like a beetle, says a “beret” friend, noting that Rambo told him he ended up in prison on the orders of former Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

– He told me that it was an agreement that he and Nenad Ilić, aka Glavonja, took the blame only for trying Slobodan Milošević in the country, not for sending him to The Hague. He told me: “We should have named Radomir Markovic, and it should have pointed out that Sloba ordered the assassination of Vuk Draskovic. As far as I know, that came from Zoran Djindjic. The legion went to Djindjic for a deal, a day or two before We were in the government yard, where Djindjic was killed, the legion entered Djindjic’s house, and Ilic and I sat in the car and spoke with a former JSO member, who was in security. Legija came out later and said: “Everything is according to the agreement, let’s move on!” I was not at the meeting, I cannot affirm that it is absolutely true, but Legija said so. I absolutely trusted Legija and I still trust him today! We went to court to make statements. If it weren’t for that agreement, we would not have been made identity cards, passports for another identity, they would not have given us money. They did it for my wife and children. We should have been free in six months – relates the interlocutor a recent conversation with Rambo.

He came down from the building with a rope and they gave him the nickname because he knows a lot about guns.

Bujosevic was born in Switzerland, and his nickname Rambo comes from the army and the battlefield in Krajina.

– He has a nickname because he knows a lot about weapons, not because of his biceps and triceps. They gave him that name in Arkan’s guard and he can’t get rid of it. He is tough. Before jail, he knew he was coming down the building with a rope, says Rambo’s friend.

Legija’s godfather stated that the accident in Ibarska occurred 500 meters from his building in Lazarevac, but that no one saw it there. Rambo calls for a new trial, in which he received 15 years in prison for the Ibarska accident and 35 years for participating in the murder of Ivan Stambolic.

– He revealed to me that at that moment they asked a judge to sentence them to 40 years for Ibar, but that he refused and went to the bar. I complain that the appeal is decided by the judge who sentenced them to a draconian sentence and that the verdict became immediately enforceable for that. So, as he says, they just tried more Chetniks! He tells me: “We are stopped by a judge who remembers everything” – says a friend of the only convicted man, who has felt good about himself for almost 20 years.

Rambo is modest and reveals what he lacks.

– Missing concerts. He likes hard rock, the hardest. Read books on economics, anatomy, sports medicine. She did not kneel at all. Not far from him is the best man of his Legija wedding in “Alcatraz”, but there is no possibility of seeing him – says the interlocutor.


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