Tighter measures for the weekend and in Kopanik: the ski season has started


While crisis staff announce more stringent measures for the weekend to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, the ski season has officially started in Kopaonik. It didn’t matter that there was no natural snow at all. Although the Serbian ski resort did not officially announce it, the ski opening of this year’s rally in Kopaonik started today and will last until December 6.

Serbian ski resorts have not officially announced the opening of Ski, but information has been spreading on social media for days that skiing is most likely.

There is no natural snow at Kopaonik, so the trails had to be covered with artificial snow. Since the beginning of the week, the system for the production of artificial snow has been working constantly, and it was clear that the opening of the ski season was being prepared.

On the first day of the new season, skiing was free. For the next two days, a 50 percent discount will be valid on the price of the ski passes in this ski resort, and the daily pass is 3,300 dinars. Because there is only one cable car to run, there were crowds in the foothills all day. And the skiers didn’t really care about the distance …

And on the track that belongs to the Karamangreben cable car, there is about 30 centimeters of packed snow. In addition to this trail, trails are also being prepared along the Pančićev vrh, Krst, Malo jezero and Mašinac cable cars.

Although information circulated on social media that a negative PCR would be required to stay at the hotel, the hotel owners in Kopaonik denied it. We also learned that most hotels are ready for the start of the season. Some have even provided their own disinfectants.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
