To more severely punish non-compliance with measures during the epidemic, amendments are needed to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases and the Law on Offenses.
Source: B92, Blic

The Serbian Assembly will vote on the changes in two weeks at the latest, media report.
This will provide a legal framework that will allow police officers to punish failure to wear a mask on the scene and will grant police officers and community inspectors sanitary inspector authorizations. The importance of this legal framework has been repeatedly emphasized by epidemiologist Predrag Kon.
Penalties for those who do not wear masks will be charged on the spot, as is the case, for example, of improper parking.
In practice, this means that it will be possible to sanction any non-compliance with the measures: non-compliance with physical distance and non-use of protective equipment, and with regard to catering and other facilities, the lack of disinfectants and the like.
This will ultimately create an opportunity to rigorously implement crisis personnel measures.
With the amendments to both laws, regular police officers will be able to impose a mandatory fine of 5,000 dinars for not wearing a mask on the spot. When a police officer finds himself without a mask inside and imposes a fine on him, he will have the opportunity to pay half immediately or within eight days: 2,500 dinars per day or file a request for a court decision within that period, says the Deputy Secretary of the Government of Serbia. on behalf of the Law on the protection of the population against infectious diseases Tamara Stojčević, reports “Blic”.
The misdemeanor order may impose a mandatory fine of 5,000 dinars on a person for not wearing a mask, Stojčević noted.
The law already provides more sanctions for legal and responsible persons who do not provide conditions in their installation, such as the distance between tables in catering facilities, or the absence of crown guards, and they do not change either.
The law will also specify the notion of home quarantine. Stojčević added.
He emphasized that these are only urgent changes, pointing out that this Law must be harmonized with the recommendations and regulations of the World Health Organization, reports “Blic”.
She expects that the proposed changes will be presented to the Serbian Government next Thursday, that is, together with the rebalancing of the budget, and then to the Serbian Assembly deputies for adoption.
Prison sentences are also possible
If the person does not pay the fine within eight days or does not file a request for a court decision, the final order of execution reaches the court.
Said order is executed by suspending the fined portion of the salary through the employer, blocking the account until the fine is paid or changing the fine imposed for work in the public interest (eight hours of work in the public interest for 1,000 dinars) or prison at the beginning of a day equal to fines of 1,000 dinars.
The amount of the fine for non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures ranges from 5,000 to 150,000 dinars. There is a difference if they apply to a natural or legal person, and the penalties are as follows:
50,000-150,000 dinars for one person
50,000 – 500,000 dinars for a legal entity
50,000 – 150,000 dinars for an authorized person in a legal entity
50,000 – 150,000 dinars for entrepreneurs
5,000 dinars is a fine for not wearing a mask (2,500 dinars in eight days).