Thus fell the suspect in the brutal murder of Bojan in Belleville! (PHOTO, VIDEO)


BELGRADE – UKP members arrested after last night’s search for the suspect in the brutal liquidation of Bojan Mirkovic, which took place less than two weeks ago in the underground garage of the Belleville settlement in New Belgrade.

On that occasion, the Minister of the Interior, Aleksandar Vulin, also intervened.

photo: MUP print screen

On November 12, Bojan Mirković’s mafia liquidation took place in the Belleville neighborhood of Belgrade. I can say with great pride that, in an extremely short period of time, members of the Directorate of Criminal Police and all members of the Ministry of the Interior managed to shed light on this terrible and brutal mafia murder to the end. Last night a person from LT was arrested, of whom we have a well-founded suspicion that he is the direct author of the murder. Two co-perpetrators were arrested before him, and another with LT last night, as well as his immediate aides who tried to transfer him to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and avoid justice, ”said Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

“There was a crime, there will be crimes, but the members of the Interior Ministry will not allow any crime to go unsolved and that any mobster in our country can avoid justice, can avoid the law.” President Aleksandar Vučić declared war on the mafia. All the members of the Ministry of the Interior are waging this war with sincerity, self-denial and success. I want to thank each of them, I want to thank them on behalf of the citizens of Serbia that this country and this city are safer today and that this country will be safer tomorrow, ”said Minister Vulin.

Head of the Directorate of Criminal Police, Dejan Kovacevic, it specified that, “to clarify all the circumstances of the incident, members of the Interior Ministry arrested LT (1998) from Belgrade, as well as DK from Belgrade and the Montenegrin FI from Cetinje, who were preparing to flee to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Person LT is the direct perpetrator of said criminal offense, person DK is the co-perpetrator in said criminal offense and the role of the Montenegrin citizen of Cetinje will be determined later. “

“The members of the Interior Ministry continue the decisive fight against all kinds of organized crime,” Kovacevic said.


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