Thunderstorms are expected in these parts of the country in the next two hours



01.09.2020. 08:25

After three tropical days, Serbia woke up gray today, with temperatures significantly lower

rain.  shower, 1 cup

rain. shower, hail, Photo: Hello!

Tropical heat with temperatures of up to 38 degrees was replaced this morning by clouds and thunder. Serbia dawned gray and early risers woke up in some parts of the country to the sound of thunder.

SURVEY: Do climate changes bother you?

A similar climate awaits us in the next two hours, followed by showers and electrical storms, as announced by the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic (RHMZ).

– In the next two hours in Vojvodina, central and southwestern Serbia, moderately cloudy in places with rain or thunder showers – it is stated in the announcement RHMZ issued at 7.25 pm


Forecast, photo: RHMZ print screen

As they also point out, by Friday, September 4, the entire country will be cooler with temperatures around average values, in most places between 23 and 28 degrees, and rains and showers with less frequent thunder.
