Three officials from the Pljevlja DPS left that party: Between Milo and faith, we choose faith and the defense of the saints!


So said Cvijović, addressing citizens tonight, in front of St. Petka’s church in Pljevlja, after a protest walk through the streets of the city center.

This morning, at the Holy Trinity Monastery, the three received the Order of the White Angel from the Bishop of the Diocese of Mileševo ​​for their contribution to the defense of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

– We faced an election twice, one of which had to be abandoned. We quit the party, we quit the party. We choose the church, we choose faith, we choose Christ, we choose God – said Cvijović.

He said the controversial Religious Freedom Act is a fresh start to the blow to orthodoxy.

“We must love people like never before. Humans are wonderful beings of our civilization, ordinary people, no matter what civilization or religion they belong to, Islam or Christianity, we are all the same. We must be aware that some evil people want fight with us until war and that we must oppose it. We must strengthen our Christian love first for our neighbor and then for all people, “said Cvijović.

At the end of his speech, he called on citizens to go to the polls on Sunday and vote according to their own conscience and mercy.


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