THREE KILOMETERS CROSSED IN 11 HOURS Crowds at the borders do not stop, Serbs from the diaspora captured by Saint Nicholas (VIDEO)


Large numbers of Serbs went on vacation from Western Europe to Serbia for the New Year holidays, although this may not have been expected given the coronary virus pandemic.

It is assumed that the reason for the large crowds and the decision that our diaspora citizens left for Serbia is that the Government of our country made the decision that a PCR test is mandatory for everyone who enters the country from 20 December, and the roads are overgrown.

According to the portal “All Serbs in Paris”, some of our citizens point out that a large crowd was first created on the border between Austria and Slovenia at the level of the Karavanke tunnel. There was reportedly a wait of up to three hours.

According to this site, perhaps the situation is even worse on the border between Slovenia and Croatia. According to the source of that portal, which is located on the border, the column, which is about nine kilometers long, does not move at all at the entrance to Croatia, reports “Novosti”.

The website “All Serbs in Paris” states that they were contacted by a Serbian family living in the capital of France, and that they are waiting up to 11 hours in that part, and they say that they crossed three kilometers in 11 hours.

They note that a “mild horror” awaited them. According to the first information, the Croatian border police are checking if the passengers have a PCR test.

Another Serbian family called that portal and said they had been blocked since 4.30 in the morning. In addition, large traffic jams were observed at the Batrovci and Horgos border crossings.
