Three hunger strikes in front of the Assembly for three reasons


Three strikes for three reasons. Be the first The independent deputy Miladin Sevarlic decided to start a hunger strike..

“I do not want Serbia with this type of division and there are many more interesting sects. Due to the impossibility of winning over the deputies in the Assembly to discuss violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of RS”, explained Sevarlic the reasons for the strike of hunger.

Before embarking on the Sevarlic road, the Dveri leader announced that he did not agree to a passive boycott of the elections, that his movement would therefore not run for the June elections, but wanted to campaign for some future ones. .

“All my life, and especially in the last few years, I have been being asked to do something non-violent. Here, I have fulfilled all your wishes. This is one of the most violent resistance movements as of this moment. This is more than Gandhi. This is Christian, human. ” Bosko Obradovic said.

And that was not the end. two deputies from the ruling Serbian Progressive Party also went on a hunger strike in the steps of the assembly. For completely different reasons.

“The prosecution must react when you throw deputy Marjan Risticevic to the ground. The prosecution did not react and we decided to ask the prosecution to do its job this way,” said Aleksandar Martinovic from the SNS.

When asked how long he will remain in front of the Assembly, he said, until the prosecution and the judicial system begin to do their job.

His party colleague Sandra Bozic says they started a hunger strike “so that Ranko Panic would not happen again and that no MP or citizen of the Republic of Serbia suffered a boot.”

“In this case of Boško Obradović’s fascism, this is also our way of expressing a kind of protest,” said Sandra Božić.

Although not on the agenda, strike and counter strike are the topics of the second session of the first regular session.

“The boycott definitely failed. They probably thought the boycott would be successful, that after the boycott they need a period of time, say six months, they will try to create general chaos in Serbia to get to the early parliamentary elections,” said Djordje Milicevic. of the SPS

The Radical Party deputy believes that strikes on the steps play with the highest legislative body.

“It is an image and an opportunity for our parliament. The head of the deputies of the ruling party, who obtained 48% of the votes in the elections, his method of political struggle is to compete with some opposition extremists who will continue to strike for hungry for longer, “said Aleksandar Seselj.

“I would say that both this gesture by Boško Obradović and this now counter-argument by the SNS parliamentarians, perhaps someone intends to devalue this movement by Professor Ševarlić with these additional movements, which I consider to be spontaneous, but not reckless,” believes Đordje Vukadinović of parliamentary group New Serbia – Movement for the Salvation of Serbia.

The Naprednik deputy says in the session that there is no need to postpone the elections and that “she does not see what will be different in December compared to June.”

“The story of SZS leaders and Miladin Ševerlić is actually an attempt to prevent what should happen in our country, and that is that the electoral commissions must continue the electoral activities interrupted tomorrow when the state of emergency is introduced,” said Maja Gojković.

In the afternoon, a group of citizens gathered in front of the Chamber of the National Assembly, and the police formed a live wall to avoid contact between those gathered and some of the deputies who are still on strike on the stairs.

Meanwhile, SZS leader Dragan Djilas and Borko Stefanovic arrived at the front of the assembly to speak to Bosko Obradovic.
