Three heads of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar were fired


Up to three specialist doctors from the General Hospital of Novi Pazar have been removed from the position of head of the department in the last two months. First, the head of the infectious diseases department, Lejla Ćeranić, was replaced, and then Džemail Detanac was removed from the position of acting deputy director of the surgical department. The latter was replaced, a few days ago, the head of the operative block, Dragos Vasovic. What does all this have to do with the request to remove the director?

The three dismissed doctors are among a total of 37 specialists from Novi Pazar General Hospital, who signed a petition in August for the dismissal of the hospital’s director, Meh Mahmutović, and his associates.

Doctors claim that Mahmutović deliberately misled the public by telling them that everything in the hospital is under control and that he has everything he needs.

“It’s pure revenge. People who did their job perfectly and without a blemish in their careers have been fired. And people have been brought before criminal charges for bribery and corruption. What else can I tell you? who did his job is being fired. At the time he signed. What is it but revenge? “asks specialist doctor Faruk Pljakić, one of the petitioners.

The letter states that Mahmutović, in addition to putting personal and political promotion before the responsible hospital management, disrupted interpersonal relationships and employed parties. That is why, as they say, he is responsible for the total collapse of the hospital at the time of the coronavirus epidemic.

“We want to live in a normal society. We want the director to do his job for us, not to protest while people die in his hallways. Believe me, for the first time in my life I started to worry about my life and I was scared to death. No because “For my children. Will they end up in some hallways and every shed that takes over the state office will harass and harass them? “Pljakic told N1.

In a press conference to which only RTV Novi Pazar and Radio Televisión de Serbia were invited, and the reason for which was a request and a letter from a doctor, Mahmutovic said that he felt sorry for all those who died from the consequences of this contagious disease and added that “all responsible for the large number of deaths in Novi Pazar.”

The director of the Novi Pazar hospital did not respond to calls and messages sent by H1. We ask for an explanation for the firing of up to three mayors.

Earlier, Mahmutović rejected the accusations of the medical specialists calling for his dismissal, saying that the work of that health institution was well organized and that the necessary equipment for the treatment of patients with coronavirus was not lacking.
