THREE DEATHS IN THREE HOURS: Experts warn that suicides are the most common cause of death in adolescents aged 15 to 24 years


Nineteen-year-old LJ. K. fell from a lone onto a parked car and sustained serious injuries on that occasion. Although the ambulance team quickly transported the girl to the hospital, she soon died in the Emergency Center. Neighbors living in this multi-story building told “Novosti” that she was a freshman high school student and they don’t know why she did something like that.

– It fell right under my car window. I was surprised to see what happened. A girl … Woe to her parents – says a neighbor of our newspaper.

The lifeless body of her daughter Milica M., in the shed behind the house, was allegedly found by her mother. The girl, who also had two sisters, was an athlete, played basketball at Partizan. Because of his talent, he played in the first team at age 15, and was also a member of the Serbian cadet national team.

The club’s sports director, Bojana Janković, was shocked by the news of Milica’s death on Thursday, and could not even guess what the reason for this tragedy could be. He stated that Milica was the future of our basketball and one of the greatest talents.

Milica’s neighbors in Batajnica, with whom we spoke on Thursday, also say that she was a wonderful girl and that they heard that, supposedly, before the terrible act, she asked her grandmother to bake her pancakes and told her to go for a walk with him. dog. However, some have reportedly heard that she has already tried to raise her hand against herself this year.


SOME users of the social network “Twitter” were upset on Thursday by the announcement of a father who, as reported by the media, wrote that his son received the following “Suicide – heroic” from a Serbian language teacher in his viber group, among Topics offered for writing. act or cowardice. “The surprised father was stunned by this movement of the mother tongue teacher. However, among the comments were those that justify the teacher’s move:

– As an educator, I am horrified that there are children among students who are thinking about committing suicide. I give lessons on how to overcome problems. Most parents don’t know how many sad, depressed, and unhappy children they have. This morning, on the news that three people committed suicide – is one of the comments.

Another comment states that the teacher is the one who designs the topics himself:

– I suppose that your intention was, due to the frequency of suicides, to check the attitude of the kids, and eventually open that topic for a conversation with a psychologist, to act preventively.

– We are all in shock. Parents still can’t believe their son no longer exists, the girl’s cousin tells us.

And those who knew George Z. have only words of praise for him. They say that this student lived with his mother and sister.

– He was always a smiling boy. I saw it the other night when I was walking the dog. We apologize very kindly, he was in the mood as always when we met. I can’t believe he killed himself, an acquaintance of George tells us.

According to neighbors, the young man lost his father Branko 19 years ago. He was shot at by three attackers in his antique store, allegedly because he did not want to pay them a scam.

As assistant professor Dr. Ivana Stasevic Karlicic, director of the “Dr. Laza Lazarevic” Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases, says for “Novosti”, the age group of adolescents from 15 to 24 years is the one in which suicide is the main death cause. , while Serbia is a country with an average suicide rate, general population, with about 1,500 cases of this type per year.

– Considering that they are in one of the most sensitive phases of personality development, they react to stress more violently in relation to adults, already formed personalities. The trigger for such a violent reaction may be a seemingly harmless reason, says Dr. Ivana Stasevic Karlicic. – The smallest occasion, such as problems with classmates and at school, conflicts with the law can cause mood swings, irritability, anxiety, sleep disorders and a decrease in vital energy.

Because they do not tolerate any frustration, as our interlocutor says, suicide can be the consequence of an impulsive decision to stop this type of suffering.

– Advice for parents and people who have adolescents in the environment is to take seriously every sudden change in behavior and functionality in school, family and emotional and other relationships in terms of tolerance, support and creation of a climate of mutual trust. And, of course, go to professionals in the field of mental health protection, because that is prevention to avoid suicide.


– Two years ago, the first national SOS line for suicide prevention was opened at the Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases “Dr. Laza Lazarevic” – says Dr. Ivana Stasevic Karlicic (pictured). – In the free service 011/7777000, 24-hour experts provide emergency intervention in a crisis to all people who have mental disorders, especially those who have suicidal ideas or intentions.

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