Three days closer to 5,000 REVERSAL PA infected! On the darkest day of the crown in Serbia, Professor Kočović HAS GOOD NEWS!


We have been following all the forecasts of Professor Petar Kočović, who with the help of mathematical formulas monitors the situation regarding the corona virus, with uneasiness for months, but now we are finally getting good news from him.

Information technology professor Petar Kočović, who has accurately predicted the course of coronavirus infection around the world, including Serbia, since the beginning of the pandemic, has performed a new calculation that predicts the number of new infections in the next few days, writes Objektiv.

As Dr. Kočović explains, although 4,994 new infected people are registered in Serbia today, we can expect similar figures in the next three days.

However, according to him, a faster change awaits us than we expect.

– Although we beat the record for the number of infected, today the measures that restrict the work of catering establishments and shops have come into force. They would have to give results, so the number of new infected could be reduced next Wednesday. So we should expect a gradual leveling off of the curve, and then a significant reduction in the number of infected, says Kočović.

Professor Kočović said two days ago that after the end of the third wave, the fourth awaits us. Based on current estimates, maybe mid-February.

How do the calculations work?

– My five-member team of mathematicians and programmers monitors the situation in all 216 countries on a daily basis. We use the Gaussian curve (a mathematical model based on the work of the famous German mathematician and physicist Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss) that moves daily. The methodology is unique and based on multiple waves, Kocovic explained previously for “Blic.”

VIDEO: Why do we lose our sense of taste when we get infected with the corona virus?
