THREATENING ME THAT THEY WILL SHOOT ME, CURSE ME, PEOPLE, IT’S NOT ME! Nikšićanin (29) got mixed up with a torturer from Novi Sad! (PHOTO)


On that occasion, Facebook photos appeared on social networks, allegedly showing this young man. The media claimed that the guy in the red cap was the culprit of the attack in Novi Sad. On that occasion, the young man above them reacted. He is from Nikšić and his name is – Ivan Kontić!

He said that in the media, in addition to the photo of the true perpetrator of this crime, his photo was also published, for which he received numerous threats.

– The ancestor, I suddenly started receiving requests and messages on Facebook. They started with threats, people wrote to me that I was a beast and asked me how I could do that. They cursed my family. I didn’t know what happened to me until I saw my photo in the media. Then everything became clear to me.

Ivan Kontić / Photo: MUP

This Kontić says that he was not in Novi Sad and furthermore, he was not in Serbia at all.

– I have nothing to do with that event, I was in my hometown at that time. People threatened me and cursed my family for no reason, just because someone concluded that me and the aforementioned young man, whom I do not know otherwise, look like me.

The coincidence of the same name, similar age and hometown is obviously the reason why the media mistook our interlocutor for the guy who is the head of security at the casino where the incident occurred.

photo: Facebook

In support of the fact that they are not so similar, our interlocutor sent us his photos, which, as he says, clearly show that he is not an attacker.

Due to the unverified information and the publication of his photo, as well as the writing that damaged his reputation, this Kontić is quite rebellious, so he will seek justice in court.

– I’m still in shock. My life changed in one day. They also wrote to me that they would shoot me because I was a monster. They accused me neither guilty nor guilty of being an executioner, and they accused me of an act that I did not do. When I heard that it was allegedly me that the police had been looking for for days, I went to the MUP and reported that it was not me, I explained that I had an alibi for that day and that it had nothing to do with what was happening in Novi Sad. I do an honest job, I work at the company “Erlang” in Plužine and they label me a bully. I don’t care – said the young man.


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