Those who move are not happy: what are the riskiest stages of moving the Nikola Tesla Museum?


On Krunska Street in Belgrade, in Villa 51, there is a New York bed. And not an ordinary one, but the one in which Nikola Tesla spent the last ten years of his life. In addition, at this address of the Nikola Tesla Museum original photographs of Tesla, patents, documentation, clothing and Tesla shoes have been preserved, but due to lack of space, not everything is on display.

As things stand, the Museum will move to a new location, to the old main train station building, and the effort will be to move all these exhibits safely.

“There are objects in the collections that are more or less sensitive to environmental conditions or the risk of decomposition. We have some that are very sensitive, such as small metal objects, devices, organic compounds sensitive to humidity,” explains Veljko Dzikic, director of the Center for preventive conservation.

Although the Museum will get a new and larger space at 3,200 square meters, one of the problems could be how the configuration of Tesla’s inventions will look, because everything must be installed and organized in such a large area.

The Museum’s repository contains around 160,000 original documents and more than 2,000 books and magazines, more than 1,000 articles and 50,000 newspaper clippings. And the reservoir problem can also occur in the new space due to groundwater, because the project for that has not yet been done, and at the time of moving, such exhibits should be placed in the appropriate place immediately.

“The relocation process can take a long time. The most demanding thing is the packaging, which must be professional, with the use of suitable materials, boxes, means of transport ”, says Dzikic.

It is definitely the most demanding transport in the technical collection, that is, Nikola Tesla’s device, so due to the dimensions, weight and dimensions, it is problematic to remove them from the Museum ”, adds Dzikic.

The assessment of our interlocutor is that the relocation of the entire Museum could take more than a month due to sensitive objects, but also to bulky machines located in Krunska, and all this will be transported by van or truck with mandatory protection.
