“THOSE WHO HAVE NO SYMPTOMS, DOES NOT HAVE TO GO TO THE KOVID CLINIC” Dr. Kon on measures for returnees from the “red crown areas” and SANCTIONS


Citizens of Serbia who return to the country from the summer holidays from the “red crown zones”, and have no symptoms of contagion, have an obligation to report electronically to the health system, it would not be good if everyone rushed to the ambulance – said yesterday epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon. member of the Crisis Team for the Suppression of the Epidemic.

Today at 6 p.m. the decision goes into effect that Serbian citizens returning from countries where a large number of people are infected with the corona virus must inform the system, and if they present symptoms, such as fever, loss of sense of taste and taste, or some other type of respiratory condition. infections, they are obliged to go to the kovid clinic.

The end of supervision implies departure after ten days.Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Completion of supervision implies departure after ten days.

Epidemiologist Kon, as a guest on RTS, noted that more than 50,000 people are expected to enter the country each week, and that no inspection or self-isolation check could withstand that. As he explained, the application is something that already exists as a self-assessment test in the e-health portal and it is quite simple, because personal data is entered. As soon as the request is made through that system, and the person enters when and what border crossing they passed, they are in the system.

– It is important that they are registered, that is, according to the article of the law, it means that they have an obligation. Punishment will not be the main way to fight. However, it should be understood that whoever does not report and is infected by that person cannot avoid what is written in the law, Kon added.

According to him, not everyone is expected to enter the data without any problem. It also notes that these are not records.

– It is not about control or records. This is a personal matter, that someone should call the Kovid clinic if they have symptoms. It is not about registering how many people entered, we can get that from the border police, she said.

Otherwise, if someone endangered the health of citizens with their irresponsible behavior, the prescribed fine is 150,000 dinars.

The countries in the red zones are Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

The countries in the red zones are Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.

Kon says that this is a measure where punishment is not the main way to fight, but it is necessary to understand that he who behaves arrogantly, does not report, and leads to consequences and infection, especially if there are tragic consequences, does not You can avoid what is written in the Law.

– I usually say, nobody is in conflict with anyone, but only in conflict with the law – said Kon.

The epidemiologist adds that the end of the supervision means leaving after ten days.

By the way, in the last 24 hours alone, 394 infected people were registered on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Croatia currently has 2,108 active cases, with 250 new cases infected the day before. In Montenegro, in the last 24 hours, another 230 cases of infection were confirmed from 953 people examined. The total number of active cases in Montenegro yesterday was 2,401.

82 others infected, two died

According to yesterday’s cutoff at 3 in the afternoon, in the last 24 hours in the territory of Serbia, 6,877 people were tested for the coronavirus, of which 82 tested positive, and unfortunately two people died.

There are 21 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia, according to data from the Ministry of Health and the Institute “Trampoline”.

What a self-assessment test looks like:

Citizens of Serbia who will be returning from Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, and who will be under surveillance, can also complete a self-assessment test for the corona virus. It can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health www.e-zdravlje.gov.rs, and the procedure for completing the test is very simple.

Photo: Covid-19.rs / RAS Serbia

Whoever wants to do it, must first register, and that is done by entering the LBO and the number of the health book. Then, the personal data, place of residence, telephone number are filled in, and then it is necessary to mark the answers to the questions that were asked.

First, the date of onset of symptoms and the amount of fever are entered. The following questions are answered by weaving. Answers given should be checked first if there is any pain in the muscles, chest, abdomen, or joints.

To complete the test, it is necessary to mark some of the symptoms, and they are: shortness of breath, general weakness, diarrhea, cough, nausea – vomiting, sore throat, headache, runny nose, anxiety-confusion, loss of sense of taste and loss of sense of smell.

In the third part of the test, the insured completes if they have been in any of the countries within 14 days of the symptoms, as well as where. The last thing that is asked in the test is the contact information: if the person traveled to the infected area or if he was in one of the health institutions.

VIDEO: Kon: The measures serve to prevent the virus from entering Serbia, solidarity is necessary
