Those arrested escaped the police, that’s how! They found him expressly half an hour later at his mother’s house.


PROKUPLJE – The detainee in Prokuplje escaped from the police who took him to the prosecution, but after half an hour he was found and arrested again. A disciplinary process was launched against the police officers.

As a thirty-five-year-old man suspected of swallowing a suspicious package of drugs and slightly injuring two policemen during his arrest, he should have been questioned at the Prokuplje Basic Prosecutor’s Office.

When he was taken away, he complained of health problems, so the police, on the order of the deputy prosecutor, took him to the Prokuplje Health Center for medical assistance. He was later returned to the Prosecutor’s Office, but again he complained that he was not feeling well, that is, that he felt nauseous. The Prokuplje Police Administration confirmed to us that the police officers took him to the bathroom. On that occasion, the handcuffs were removed and he escaped from them, left the courthouse and prosecutor’s office and got lost in an unknown direction.

The search began immediately and the suspect was found in his mother’s apartment.

An initiative was presented to the Prokuplje Police Administration to initiate a disciplinary process against two police officers for serious breach of official duty, and they were removed from work until the end of the disciplinary process.


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Author: delivery courier
