This will be the RECEPTION OF CHAMPIONS AND FRIDAY on August 31, and how the others will look a day later


The traditional reception of champions this year will be absent due to the coronavirus epidemic, and instead, for them, but also for fifth graders, a slightly different presentation will be organized to the teachers or class teachers, depending on the any way the school decides.

Meetings are still ongoing in some schools in order to determine all the details about admission, while some schools have already posted notices and schedules on their official websites, according to which the admissions of champions and Fridays will take place. .

Most of the schools we contacted in Belgrade on August 31 will only host parent meetings, and first grade students will have the right to meet with the teacher or class teacher the next day.

However, we also find several schools where there will still be a reception organized in patios and gyms, where, in addition to parents, champions and Fridays will also attend.

Of course, all these meetings will be carried out with respect to epidemiological measures, so the use of a mask and respect the distance will be mandatory.

As they explained to us in the schools, first they will be attended by the principals, teachers and professors who will welcome them, and then the champions will know the school itself. They should visit the school premises and future classrooms with their teachers, so they can be ready to sit at school desks the next day.

This is not the case and the model that will apply only in Belgrade, but other schools throughout Serbia have opted for one of these two variants.

It is left to the Subotica schools if it will accept only parents or only children on August 31, the day before the start of the school year, noting that “special attention should be paid to organizing the first meetings of teachers and classroom teachers with students and / or parents “. so that all protection measures are applied ”, it is said, among other things, in the letter to the schools.

Photo: Tanjug / AP

Everyone is already well acquainted and prepared for the new way of working that both students and teachers will have to get used to.

Dušica Tričković, director of the “Radoje Domanović” school in Niš, told “Blic” that everything is ready by September 1, both in terms of organization in terms of the application of protection measures, and in terms of teaching.

It will be great for them: they will have classes in the courtyard!

– Everything is ready, the champions and on Fridays they come to us on August 31, some go to school, others go from fourth to fifth grade, and we have organized ourselves to do the classes in the courtyard. Students will become familiar with the house rules, with everything that is now necessary to protect themselves from the virus, which will be repeated a day later for those who start on September 1. We have a large schoolyard, so classes will also be held on the playground. As for the school itself, the measures will be respected and, as far as we are concerned, we are ready to start the new school year – says Tričković.

Depending on the opportunities they have, said admission of students will be applied, and classes will be organized so that everything goes safely for both students and teachers. Therefore, it is up to the schools to decide and the students to respect all the decisions that are made.

Sanela Tarana, director of the primary school “Sveti Sava” in Nis, says that her school has enough space and opportunities for both admission and classes to go in the best order.

– We have organized everything and as far as the measure is concerned, but also the teaching, everything is ready for the start of the school year. We have a large school, a courtyard, the teachers will be with the children all the time until they get used to the new work regime, to keep their distance. We have informed parents that children should measure their temperature before going to school, so that they do not come if they are sick. We acquire masks, visors, disinfectants, non-contact thermometer. Everything is ready, organized – says the director of “Blic”.

Before these two important dates for our students, in order to know exactly what the schedule and organization are in a particular school, parents on these days should follow the websites of those institutions, as well as the notifications in the school itself, because the organization is different everywhere.

The Deputy Minister of Early Childhood and Primary Education, Milan Pasic, confirmed today that everything is ready for the start of the school year.

Those who traveled, to contact their teachers

– Regarding all the measures, parents and children will come on August 31, it is important that they meet the teachers. In addition, parents whose children traveled must contact the class teacher to spend 10 in quarantine, he said as a guest on TV Prva.

Masks and distance are part of everyday life

In order for teaching and school stay to be safe, it is necessary that everyone, both school personnel and students, respect epidemiological measures.

It is mandatory to wear a mask and maintain physical distance. No more hugs, kisses, and traditional greetings, even though we wash and sanitize our hands regularly.

When entering the school it is necessary to cross the barrier with both feet, and if the school has a ladder, one side must be destined to go up and the other to go down. The rule applies here, everyone must go to their right side and there will be no collision. And here it is necessary to maintain a distance, which in this case is five steps.
