This singer’s ad is worth up to 20 average Serbian salaries! (VIDEO)



18.12.2020. 12:47

It’s no secret that celebrities make millions on Instagram.

Luna, Anastasia, Zorannah

Luna, Anastasia, Zorannah, Photo: Shutterstock /

It’s no secret that famous in Instagram they make millions. They advertise the products of various companies on that social network. Most of our celebrities do this with their profiles, especially in crown times when they don’t have introductions, so this is their only way to make money.

They are among those people Seka Aleksic, Moon Djogani, Severina, Anastasia Raznatovic, Zoran Like many others …

According to internet data Moon Djogani earn up to 1500 euros per post on Instagram, her companions are accredited, of course.

jogani moon

luna jogani, Photo: prinstcreen

Celebrities who have close to a million followers, such as a fashion blogger. Zorana Jovanović, supposedly can take care of 3000 euros.

Zorana Jovanović

Zorana Jovanović, Photo: E-Stock Caslav Vukojicic

Anastasia Raznatovic of almost a million followers on Instagram, and influencers who have more than a million followers can reportedly earn up to 6,000 euros.

Anastasia Raznatovic

Anastasija Raznatovic, Photo: Private archive

In the world, these figures are much higher, taking into account the greater number of followers that celebrities have. But ours can also boast good earnings on this platform that is becoming more and more popular.

Read more about the luxury property of our famous singer HERE.

