This number of infected students would cause chaos in Serbian schools!



17.09.2020. 07:00

We must not allow schools to become a breeding ground for infection.

Pupils, school, crown

Students, school, crown, Photo:

In the first two weeks of classes in Serbian primary and secondary schools, a total of 52 students and 20 employees were infected with the coronavirus. According to the Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, there are sporadic cases, if we consider that there are around 850,000 students in schools in Serbia.
– Children come to school wearing masks, distance is kept. The teachers did a good job and I guarantee that schools are the safest place in the country, where the possibility of transmitting the infection is much lower than in parks and sports fields, where children often hang out outside of school – said the minister.

Pupils of children school students

School pupils of children, Photo: EPA-EFE / CHRISTIAN BRUNA

Head of the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Goran Belojevic for “Hello!” confirms that the current statistics on the crown in Serbian schools are not alarming. However, as he states, we are still at the beginning of the school year, so there should be no relaxation.

Goran belojevic

Goran Belojević, Photo: RTS / Printscreen

– The only sure thing is that at least one child is infected in each school, and all parents and students should take this into account. This clearly shows how important it is to adhere to the measurements. Most importantly, we do not have related cases in one department. Two cases in a department are still not alarming, but three, four and what they are – says Dr. Belojevic.

Elementary and secondary schools matched in number of infected

In Serbian primary schools, 27 students became ill, while in secondary schools, 25 became infected. According to Minister Šarčević, there are sick teachers and cleaners in secondary schools, and a principal is also infected.

– In Belgrade, 16 students fell ill with coronavirus, two of whom are in primary school ”20. October “- said Šarčević.
