This morning a young man came to us and was treated for only 10 days! PEOPLE, WHAT’S UP?


KBC Bežanijska kosa director Dr. Marija Zdravković said that 245 people with suspected coronavirus were examined at that health institution overnight, and that the hospital’s capacities were almost full.

“The capacity is 90 percent. There are 33 patients in intensive care and 10 patients on mechanical ventilation. We have all the age groups from 20 to 89,” he said.

Zdravković stated that the majority of patients with moderate and severe clinical conditions are between 50 and 70 years old. He points out that the corona is an extremely serious disease, that there is a lot of oxygen consumption and that they spend on Bežanijska kosa on a daily basis as they used to do monthly under normal circumstances.

“There are other complications, the most difficult of which is sudden thromboembolism. This morning we had a situation where a patient who recovered well and managed to overcome a lung problem had a cardiac death, probably as a result of a thromboembolism,” he said. .

He points out that the biggest mistake is to ignore the symptoms and wait at home for everything to pass. A large number of people, he says, are afraid to come to the hospital, which is unjustified, because when they arrive at the hospital they will receive the appropriate therapy and the disease will pass as easily as possible.

“There are people who can be treated at home, but that can only be determined by a medical examination with careful monitoring of the patient,” he said.

A young man in serious condition!

For just trying and skipping the doctor, he says it can be very dangerous.

“Everyone who treated themselves went wrong, or was treated for too long or had serious complications. Tonight a relatively younger man came to us in extremely difficult condition who has been lying at home for 10 days and he’s about to be intubated this morning, “says Zdravković.

He points out that the three waves are characterized by patients calling the doctor late and ignoring symptoms.

“When a patient suspects that he has a crown, it is very important to break the contacts, because it is important to break the chain of infection. You can’t have problems for 13 days and develop symptoms for 14 days. “, he concluded.


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