This morning, 205 citizens entered Serbia without a PCR test


THEY MUST BE IN SELF-ISOLATION AND WILL BE CONTROLLED: 205 citizens entered Serbia this morning without a PCR test

Photo: AMSS Printscreen, Shutterstock.

This morning, 205 Serbian citizens entered Serbia without CP tests, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said, explaining that these citizens will be in self-isolation and controlled for the next ten days.

Brnabić said they will be able to move freely even before that ten-day period expires, if they do a CP test that shows they are negative.

Answering the question whether our citizens who will enter Serbia without the p-si-ar tests will be controlled, Brnabić told reporters in Ovčar Banja that this will be resolved as in March-April, that is, they will be controlled by the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the health authorities. inspection and, if necessary, with other inspections.

When asked if Serbia will suspend flights with Great Britain, as other European countries did, Brnabic said that the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure is analyzing contractual obligations and considering what such a decision entails.

– We are awaiting further information from our EU partners on the basis of which they made that decision. And we discuss it on Crisis Staff. As soon as we have all the information and if necessary, we will make that decision – said Brnabić.

( RTS)

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