This is your first NEW YEAR with kids! And this is what you don’t know about her PRIVATE LIFE!


Dejan Matić is used to living on the Belgrade-Vienna route, but in 2020 he hardly moved from the Austrian capital due to the situation with the coronavirus.

Although he does not seem to have a place by nature, it is clear that even after many years he enjoys the holidays with his family, his wife Jelena and their children Zoran and Konstantin.

Is there a festive atmosphere in Vienna?

– In part, although this is my first New Year with children, and there is also Santa Claus … In previous years everything was decorated, events were organized … This is now a family variant, which differs from previous years. So I decided to let the children hold out as long as they wanted and send 2020, which was nothing. Who knows when I’ll have the chance to celebrate midnight with them again.

Dejan Matic
Photo: Printscreen / Ami G.

People “threw themselves” into the kitchen during the crown, because they can’t go anywhere. Is that the case with you?

– Yes, of course, and we hope sponsors for the “repetition”. However, I follow restrictive diets. It’s unusual that he decided to take that step while on vacation. It means that he has a good character (laughs).

Is that one of those important New Year’s resolutions you’ve made?

+ No, I have been in this mode since December 1. I decided to do a liposuction diet treatment, and it is just extreme.

How much did you lose

– Probably around 10 pounds. I feel better and also go to the fast walk lane. I am very satisfied. Before I did not want to force myself into the lane, because of my weight and my knees, but now that I have returned to normal I can endure two hours, that is, cover eight kilometers. I try to have a New Year every day, to get something positive out of a situation that is negative, like this year. Maybe the crown just redirected me, to get something useful out of it as well.

Dejan Matic
photo: Printscreen / PinkTV

In 2020, money was a big problem. You didn’t work either, and did you change your attitude towards money because of the crisis?

– I always swim in those situations. I can organize myself with both 100 euros and 1,000. I started doing this job early in high school, and I remember when it was my first concert, and I was playing drums, I took 50 marks, went to the store and bought perfume, and it was like buying a car. Whenever I plan something, I give it to my colleagues, to the musicians. And it immediately came back to me twice. I give because he is my boss, not to get it back.

Do women expect men to take the lead when it comes to active social life? How is it with you?

+ I’ve always been out of action, so even in marriage I try to have a plan and rhythm. Still, some things happened that I never dreamed of and they were the best in the world. Say, some songs.

Are you preparing something new this year?

– I have the whole album in stock, it is in my folder, and the children are already listening and then they ask me: “Dad, when are you going to record something new?” (Laughter). I’m not planning anything anymore, the album was supposed to be in front of the public last spring. I was convinced this would end at the beginning of May, and since that didn’t happen, I stopped planning, so as not to be disappointed. I had that attitude a few years ago when we renovated the apartment. Then my wife told me that the job would be finished in June, and I replied, “No, that will be done by the new year.” And then if it’s October, it’s great, don’t get mad. But do not get angry. It is important to preserve the psyche and nerves and stay normal in all this.

Are you gallant?

– Yes I am. I am not materialistic.

Do people use that trait of yours?

– There was that, but I felt it quickly, because I didn’t know that before. That was learned, sadly. I learned that in a situation that I wish had never happened, when I lost one of the best friends I worked with. So there were several such situations, but I try to forget them. After that, I crossed out a lot of people. That experience happened to me ten years ago. Now I’m looking at the children … I don’t know how to teach them to realize that. Everyone is good to them, and so am I. Life will probably teach them to cope, not to be bad, but to know how to swim in situations like mine.

Are you mentally strong? How do you swim with your wife in trouble?

– Yes, and Jelena, when an important decision is made, she wants to analyze everything in detail. It may be good, but it bothers me a lot. Because everything I decided and did in the beginning was a cannon. For example, I bought the first car with 500 euros in my pocket. Then I went to Italy for coffee with a friend, I didn’t even bring a suitcase, because we were coming back the next day. And I bought a car. When the man started to prepare my papers, I said to him: “Friend, money is not a problem, there is no money.” I tell him that I have my first and last name and that it would not tarnish it, so if it is possible for me to bring a rest of the money in a few days when he comes, and he answers that I should not leave that advance, anything is possible. That car served me better than all the others. Photo: Sandra Savić

Have you always had an expensive car?

– When I got to Dragan Bosanac, I was driving a Yugo 45, I got out of the car and he said: now a Yugo and the next is a Mercedes. And it was so.

Is someone from the stage coming to visit you?

– They haven’t come in the last year, but otherwise they did. Aleksandra Bursać was supposed to come now, but she had to come back first. I told some people that I wanted to be my guests and come hang out.

Dragana Mirković is also in Vienna. Do they see each other?

– We talked, we visited each other on the children’s birthdays, and the other day I called her husband Tony to congratulate him on his birthday. We are relatively close. When Dragana made the film in 2005, Zlaja Timotic, Marko Nikolic, Cira and I were together. It was a very unforgettable meeting, because it was the birthday of his son Marko, so we combined it in a nice and useful way. At that time, I never dreamed that we would be neighbors.

Dragana Mirkovic
photo: Marina Lopicic


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