This is why the singer WAS PUNISHED!


INDI ARADINOVIC STOPPED FOR DRIVING IN BAHATA!  He insulted the policeman, so he gave him GAS: This is why they PUNISHED the singer!

Photo: Profimedia, ATA images

This morning, the police detained singer Indira Aradinović Indi after police officer JA warned that she was not wearing a seat belt in her “Audi” vehicle.

At that time, instead of waiting for her sentence to be drawn up, she voluntarily left the scene, and later it was justified in the media that she was “ill”, that the process took too long and that the police officer was rude.

photo: Printscreen Amiji show

However, in the statement, the JA policeman who arrested the singer, reveals that the truth was different and that Indira only needed about 20 seconds to start creating problems.

“The real version of the story is that I stopped Ms. Indira for not wearing a seat belt. She behaved well at first, even as a friend and gave me the documents. That was until she realized that she would be punished . When she saw that it would not “work”, she said: “Give me back the documents so they don’t argue!” I told her that there was no need for us to argue and that she couldn’t lead the discussion because I was deciding, “said the policeman.

The police officer says that he later made a complaint, and after a few minutes, the singer returned to the car accompanied by a woman who claimed to be an MUP officer.

He returned with a woman who claimed to be from the MUP, but did not want to identify herself. She calmed the situation, but Indira shouted arrogantly “What was the policeman now?” Then she came up to me and kept throwing, but there was no physical contact, ”I remember.

The singer, as the police officer told us, after returning to the place where she was detained, improperly parked, refused to move from the street for a while and thus deliberately kept traffic.

“He tore up the two reports that I wrote him and threw them at me and my colleague. Otherwise, it is not a practice for us to let someone go when they are sick, but to call an ambulance,” JA told us.

As we were told, Indira Aradinović was finally fined for not wearing a seat belt, moving away from the police control without the consent of the officer, improper parking, disobeying the order of the police officer and endangering the environment because she broke the reports and the Ground shot.

photo: Printscreen Amiji show / lens / MM

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Author: delivery courier
