This is when the vaccine is mandatory and what are the penalties



09/05/2020 18:12

The compulsory immunization of all persons who are at special risk of contracting various diseases is introduced.

vaccine virus

vaccine, virus, Photo: Public

Mandatory immunization of persons of a certain age will be carried out against infectious diseases.: tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, smallpox, mumps, hepatitis B, diseases caused by Hemophilus influenzae type B and diseases caused by streptococcal pneumonia, is provided in the new Rulebook on the mandatory and recommended immunization program of the population against certain infectious diseases.

The regulation was adopted by the Ministry of Health and was published in the Official Gazette three days ago, on May 6, 2020.

At the same time, according to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, A fine of 30,000 to 150,000 dinars will be imposed on a natural person who does not implement the measures prescribed by this Law. The minimum fine will increase to 50,000 if the bill is approved.

In addition to the mandatory vaccination of children and health workers, the Ordinance introduces the mandatory immunization of all people who are at special risk of through various diseases.

Active immunization involves the appearance of the sensitive host’s own immune response after exposure to a specific antigen naturally or artificially. It is carried out by vaccination, that is, revaccination.

Passive immunization involves the administration of finished antibodies by natural or artificial means or immune serum, a fraction of blood that contains antibodies against certain pathogens or certain types of toxins.

Infectious diseases against which compulsory active and passive immunization of people exposed to certain infectious diseases is carried out are:: rabies, tetanus, hepatitis B, hepatitis A and typhoid fever.

Infectious diseases against which it is carried out. mandatory active and passive immunization of people at special risk They are hepatitis B, influenza, meningococcal disease, diseases caused by streptococcal pneumonia, diseases caused by Hemophilus influenzae type b, chicken pox, and infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus.

If the WHO declares a flu pandemic (new subtype or new recombinant variant of influenza virus), a special methodological expert instruction is issued for immunization against pandemic influenza.

Vaccine injection

Vaccine injection, Photo: Shutterstock

Active immunization against influenza is carried out in competent health care institutions and institutions outside the health care system (whose users are indicated to give), in coordination with territorially competent institutes, that is, public health institutes. .

Infectious diseases against which it is carried out. The mandatory active and passive immunization of sensitive people (without previously acquired immunity) employed in health institutions are hepatitis B, influenza, smallpox, rubella, mumps, diphtheria, whooping cough (

Mandatory active immunization of passengers in international traffic

Contagious diseases against which compulsory active immunization of passengers in international traffic is carried out They are yellow fever and other infectious diseases at the request of the country to which you are traveling.

Passengers in international traffic they are actively vaccinated if they travel to countries that require certain vaccines, in accordance with epidemiological indications in accordance with the International Health Regulations.

The recommended active and passive immunization of a person according to clinical indications is carried out on the basis of the opinion of a specialist doctor of the appropriate branch of medicine and the recommendation of a doctor or specialist doctor of the branch of medicine who performs immunization with the prior written consent of that person.

For more details on mandatory and recommended immunization, see HERE.
