Amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases and the Law on Misdemeanors, which will more efficiently and severely punish any non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures, will be submitted to the Serbian Parliament within two weeks at the latest. .
In this way, a legal framework will be created that will allow regular police officers to sanction for not wearing a mask at the scene of the violation, militiamen and communal inspectors will be granted powers of sanitary inspectors, and the collection of fines will be imposed immediately. for, say, not wearing a mask. for example inadequate parking.
This means that in the future they will be able to sanction any non-compliance with the anti-epidemiological measures, from the lack of respect for physical distance through not wearing protective equipment to the lack of disinfectants and the like in cafeterias, restaurants, nightclubs …
This will finally create an opportunity to rigorously implement the Crisis Team measures, because until now it seemed like a “vicious circle” in which these decisions, for example, could be fully implemented in Belgrade by only four health inspectors from the republic!
And only the sanitary inspectors of the republic, in accordance with current regulations, have the authority to sanction any breach of anti-epidemiological measures, and that means closing nightclubs as a breeding ground for infections.
No more testing
By amending both laws, regular police officers will be able to impose a mandatory fine of 5,000 dinars for not wearing a mask at the scene of the violation. So when a police officer finds himself unmasked inside and issues him a fine, he will have the opportunity to pay half (2500 dinars) immediately or within eight days or file a request for a court decision within that period.
The law already provides more penalties for legal and responsible persons that do not provide conditions in their installation, such as the distance between tables in the restoration facilities, the absence of guardian crowns and they do not change either.
The law will also specify the notion of home quarantine.
The penalties can also be prison
If the person does not pay the fine within eight days or does not file a request for a court decision, the court will receive a final execution order. Said order is executed by suspending the fined portion of the salary through the employer, blocking the account until the fine is paid or changing the fine imposed for work in the public interest (eight hours of work in the public interest for 1,000 dinars) or prison at the beginning of a day equal to fines of 1,000 dinars.
The amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases will grant even broader powers to militiamen and communal inspectors. In the future, they will have practically the same powers that the sanitary inspectors of the republic currently have.
Until now, communal militiamen and communal inspectors could impose fines only for lack of respect for working hours, according to the Catering Law. And now they will be able to sanction legal entities for violating anti-epidemiological measures, which means that for that reason they will be able, in the end, to close cafes, restaurants, discos …
Sanctions for non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures
50,000 – 150,000 dinars for one person
50,000 – 500,000 dinars for a legal entity
50,000-150,000 dinars for an authorized person in a legal entity
50,000 -150,000 dinars for entrepreneurs
5,000 dinars is a fine for not wearing a mask, that is, 2,500 dinars in eight days
(Kurir.rs/Blic/Photo:Zorana Jevtic)

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