THIS IS WHEN THE FIGHT HAPPENED: The police director went public with new information


The Novi Sad police were informed of the beating suffered by a 28-year-old young man on August 24 by doctors, who provided him with help due to the injuries suffered, he claimed at the time, by persons unknown to him. From then until today, in cooperation with the competent prosecutor’s office, the police officers have taken all measures and actions to clarify all the circumstances of the incident and identify the suspect Ivan Kontić (1990).

I remind you that the police and the prosecution assess, in accordance with the law, when the publication of the details declared in public is in the interest of a faster capture of the suspects, and when it can only damage and complicate the search. In short, the work of the police is not the sensations as some politicians imagine, but the clarification of criminal acts.

Photo: Printskrin

Vladimir Rebić

The new persecution that the police are currently carrying out to protect or hide someone, because, after the video was published, they informed the public about all the measures taken so far, is shameful to say the least.

“The police will continue to work intensely in the search and arrest of the suspect, which is their job together with other institutions, and we leave the aforementioned politicians to evidently try to politicize what they get to score some points.”


“Police officers from the Novi Sad Police Department are working to shed light on the case of beating a 28-year-old on Jevrejska Street from the moment this incident was reported to the police.”

Not only was the competent Prosecutor’s Office informed of everything at the same time, but so far conversations have been held with the injured, but also with several people who were present at the scene that night.

Official notes were taken on everything and the prosecutor was informed, so attempts by certain politicians and media outlets to mislead the public by claiming that the police wanted to hide something are not only incorrect, but also malicious and biased.

It is obvious that their aim is to damage the reputation of the police and members of the Novi Sad Police Department who are working to shed light on the aforementioned case. “

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