This is when the epidemic in Serbia ends!



12.31.2020. 17:52

I don’t think mandatory immunization is announced and I think it no longer makes sense to shut down and restrict anything

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Hello! / Ognjen Radošević

In Serbia, the coronavirus epidemic should end by the end of January 2021. Biologically and naturally, there should be no more spikes or waves in our country. The pandemic will pass when everyone infects meoh, and I think we already have over 50 percent herd immunity. I don’t think mandatory immunization is being announced and I think it no longer makes sense to shut down and restrict anything.

This is the story in the New Years interview for Kurir Prof. Dr. Branimir Nestorović pulmonologist, former member of the Serbian Government crisis staff. Contested, controversial for some, genius and adored for others, but one thing is for sure: Dr. Nestorović is a person who greatly marked the year behind us.

Although many have questioned your statements, for some you have been a symbol of optimism even in these difficult times of pandemic …

– There is no reason for pessimism. In other words, there is, because there will be an economic crisis, but it is already known.

What do you expect from the arrival of vaccines in Serbia and is that our salvation?

– To begin with, we receive some vaccines, and I think that only the population at risk should be vaccinated and not wait for a mass vaccination. The risk of coronavirus is officially very small now. The risk groups are known. So I don’t expect anything special. When you look at the end, and this is the end, the statistics show that this year’s mortality is no more dramatic than that of previous years. This year, 60,000 will die of heart attacks, 30,000 people will die of cancer, therefore, for every death of the crown, ten more will die from malignant diseases. The impression is created that it is a cataclysm, when in reality it is a cataclysm of fear and isolation. People had the impression that we would all die, but now we are at the end of the drama.

Would you receive the vaccine and from whom?

– I would not do it. What ?! After ten months, if I haven’t caught it by now … If I had to, I would get the Russian vaccine, because I know how they did it.

Even when I was a member of the crisis staff, epidemiologists announced that there would only be sporadic outbreaks of the virus during the summer, and we had a strong second wave. How much do we know about the crown in general?

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Hello! / Ognjen Radošević

– What is happening now is truly indescribable in the medical literature. This virus is completely different from everyone else and it is very difficult to say why. One of the theories is that many people are being tested now, so the number of positives is much higher, because people don’t understand that being positive for the crown doesn’t mean being sick. The test is usually false positive, while there are cases where the test is negative and the clinical picture shows a crown.

Doctors warn that corona is a systemic disease that, in addition to respiratory disease, is the one that most endangers the cardiovascular system and generates thrombosis. Do you agree with that?

– That story is so strange that it is difficult to understand. How can a respiratory virus attack the heart? That is medically impossible. Kovid 19 has a specificity, and that is that it has parts that do not belong to that group of viruses, it has four amino acids that contain the Ebola virus and HIV. Do you have brain, liver, heart, and kidney changes caused by the respiratory virus? It has not been seen before, so there is reason to believe that it is artificial. How did some know when new waves of the virus would appear? Are they clairvoyant?

What determines if someone will have a severe clinical picture or if everything will become asymptomatic?

– It depends mainly on immunity. Pediatricians and women who have young children often have other coronaviruses, because it is the most common cause of respiratory infections, but those who have a cat or a house also have some type of immunity. Therefore, I do not believe that the outlook can be catastrophic, nor is it now. Hospitals are crowded and we used to treat pneumonia at home.

Why do more and more young and healthy people die from kovid?

– How do you know that? There is no autopsy, the test is not reliable. People get sick, they have a health problem that they didn’t even know about. You now have trouble getting into the hospital if you don’t have a crown. And the doctors are dead tired.

There has been a lot of speculation about the number of kovida 19 deaths, do you think the review will show a higher death rate?

– There is a difference if someone died for the crown or with the crown. The WHO has given a definition according to which everyone who died within 28 days of a positive test, died from a crown. So if you fell off a ladder or a motorcycle on the 28th, it turns out that you died from a crown! If you have a patient who has a malignancy and receives a crown, they will be treated as if they had died of covid, because there can only be one cause of death. Autopsies are forbidden, which is a scandal. The Russians, Italians and Germans performed secret autopsies, which showed that they do not die of pneumonia, only older than 70 years. However, many people have died from this blood clot caused by the virus.

What do you think of the protocol for treating covids in Serbia?

– We have decided to follow the WHO instructions, while, say, the United States, Russia, India and China have not. India has now opted for preventive treatment and is using ivermectin, which is also produced in our country and costs nothing, and the cure is against parasitosis. Doxycycline works very well on the crown, as do “hemomycin” and zinc. What do we not have as a preventive measure? At the first signs of the disease, give chloroquine, which is excluded from the protocol in our country, and two billion people in the world drink it against malaria.

The world panicked because a crown mutation was discovered in Britain, which is 70% more contagious and strikes children the most. Should we be afraid?

– That’s bullshit. When before? The strain has just appeared and 1,000 people are infected and have already discovered that it is 70% more infectious. There is nothing on the subject in professional magazines.

What would you wish for yourself, but also for our readers for the new year, at the end of this year so different from all the previous ones?

– I want everyone to have a nice new year with their loved ones, because that is health. Health goes out of the head! And the one who loves you always cares about you better than someone in the hospital.

I’m too old to shut up. Con is conservative and simply dramatic

Often his views were contrary to the views of other crisis staff, which he left. Please tell us what you really think about Dr. Predrag Kon and the video he shared on his Facebook profile, which caused a storm in the public.

– Those were my attitudes, I could be wrong and take responsibility then, but I don’t believe in “choral singing”, I can’t keep quiet. And now I am a presenter to keep quiet. The crisis headquarters did not know what it was doing from the beginning, but we followed the instructions and experiences of others. I have always been against measures like curfew. I left headquarters because it was difficult for me to roll my eyes while speaking … And the video with Kon is magnificent, because that is really, he is a man of the theater. He’s a conservative epidemiologist, it’s easier to ban something. The most serious member of the staff is Professor Vlada Petrović from Novi Sad, when he is not in the media, and I also like Dr. Mijomir Pelemiš. There are professionals in crisis headquarters, but they are too conservative.

Everything is strange Corona is a political virus

What do you think the crown is in the end?

– Geopolitics, and that is clear to everyone. Europe is in big trouble, but demonstrations are being prepared in America and Argentina. Everything is strange in this virus, because it is a political virus, as President Aleksandar Vučić himself said at the beginning. He told me that I was the only one who understood that. A period of great recovery should now follow. I believe that Serbia will do better than others, because we are not part of the EU and we have a wonderful, rich and fertile country.

He does not give up

I was right in everything they called me

He has often been challenged and crucified in public by statements like this is the funniest virus ever, that you don’t need to wear masks, that you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to get sick from kovid. What do you think of all this today?

– I can understand that when everyone tells a story, and then someone appears who tells a completely different one, he is a genius or a madman, but there is a greater chance that he is mad. They called me about many of my statements, and in the end it turned out that everything I was saying was true. What to wear a mask when asymptomatic cases do not transmit the virus? The masks do not protect against viral infection, which is also written on the packaging. Inside still somehow, but outside they don’t make sense.
