This is what you can do after the weekend, WE DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS AFTER THE CRISIS STAFF



Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Illustration

The Government of the Republic of Serbia, at the proposal of the Crisis Personnel for the Protection of the Health of the Population against the Infectious Disease Kovida-19, has adopted new measures to combat the epidemic, which refer to next weekend.

Beginning Monday, upper-grade elementary school students will move on to online classes, while for secondary school students, this type of teaching will continue until next week. Vaccination will be carried out without interruption.

The announcement of the Government of Serbia states that the decision was made to close all catering facilities (cafes and restaurants), shops (except grocery stores), hair and beauty salons, beauty salons, bookmakers from 21 to Monday at 6 in the morning, casinos. , playrooms for children, gyms and sports facilities.

During the weekend, pharmacies, surgeries, laboratories, dental and veterinary surgeries, commercial facilities where food products are sold, kiosks, kiosks and gas stations will be allowed to carry out fuel sales activities.

It will also be allowed to work in facilities and businesses that provide services that do not require a long-term presence of users and in which the contact is of limited duration, such as shoemakers, glass cutters and tailors.

Restaurants and bars are also allowed inside the hotel and other categorized accommodations, but only for guests who have a registered stay at that accommodation.

During the weekend, the sports facilities will be able to work for the preparation and realization of competitions registered within the national sports federations.

The Government of Serbia notes that the counter for the sale of food in the restaurants and the counter for the sale of coffee and drinks in the bars of the promenades are not allowed.

– The competent authorities, inspection services and the communal militia will strictly control the observance of epidemiological measures during the weekend and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and this time calls once again for the respect of all epidemiological measures and appeals to everyone’s personal responsibility. citizens – says the statement.

They also work in the markets.

All the Belgrade markets that are part of JKP “Gradske pijace” have announced that they will operate as usual during the weekend, such as supermarkets and hypermarkets.

– From the moment they began to introduce and implement the first measures in Serbia in order to prevent and protect against the corona virus “Gradske pijace” take care of their customers and sellers, as well as their safety, respect and application of all prescribed and recommended measures – stated in the JKP ad “Gradske pijace”.

They also remind all fellow citizens who come to the Belgrade markets to adhere to the measures of the Government of Serbia, to maintain the prescribed distance when making purchases, as well as to wear protective masks.

Measures are being taken to protect the health of the population and minimize social contacts, but until the final victory over the pandemic, the contribution of all individuals in society is needed.

Vaccination against the infectious disease kovid-19 will be carried out without interruption according to a predetermined plan, so that the new measures do not jeopardize the immunization process in any way.


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Author: delivery courier
