This is what was seized in 2 actions of the Serbian police (VIDEO)


Members of the Belgrade Ministry of the Interior detained three people in two separate actions due to the existence of grounds to suspect that they committed the crime of unauthorized production and distribution of narcotic drugs.

photo: Printsceen

Police searched the apartment in Čukarica, where the suspect PK is not registered. (1983), found about 9.8 kilograms of marijuana and 500 grams of hashish, in addition to 15,520 euros.

photo: Printsceen

In another action, the police found a makeshift laboratory for the production of amphetamines and seized about 300 grams and three liters of liquid amphetamine. On that occasion, BV (1981) and NP (1987) were arrested.

photo: Printsceen

The suspects were detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office, along with a criminal report.


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Author: delivery courier
