
Photo: AP PHOTOS, 16 11 2016
The corona virus pandemic has changed many habits and people have had to adapt to current circumstances. Therefore, many citizens of Serbia realized during the state of emergency and quarantine that the restriction measures introduced can be presented much more easily in a house with a courtyard than in cramped apartments.
This has led to a huge increase in demand for cabins in recent months, and more and more people are considering building a home rather than a home loan. Still, how much does such an effort cost and what do you need to build your new home?
Experts say that at least 50,000 euros should be set aside for such a project, and upwards, depending on the size of the house, the quality of the materials installed, the location … The additional investment represents the time necessary for construction, but above all, for the collection of all the permits and documentation necessary to start construction.
Based on past experiences, some estimates say that from the moment a plot is bought to the “first shovel”, that is, the start of construction, it usually takes about a year. Wasting your nerves while breaking the thresholds of various institutions and establishments, they say, you get “free”.
The first step is a title deed
The first document, without which you can’t even begin to think about building a house, is the title deed, that is, a confirmation that the land you are building on belongs to you. Then follows the parcelling of the land, to obtain an act of technical-urban conditions, and the address for this is the Geodesic Authority. This process takes at least a month and only then can you check if the parcel is covered by the zoning plan.
If there is no regulation plan for that parcel, it is necessary to make an urban project, and for that, a licensed designer in urban planning and planning must be hired and the consents of all communal and public institutions that the Secretariat of Urbanism of the city designate as necessary. The finished project is reviewed by the Secretary of Urbanism and this part of the work, if you have the complete documentation, can take up to four months.
A somewhat simpler procedure is in the event that the land on which it is being built is covered by a regulatory plan, and then the Urban Planning Secretariat issues “Technical-urban conditions”, which can also take up to three months.
Project, stamp, then works request
Once said certificate has been obtained, the preparation of the preliminary draft can begin, and it takes at least two months to collect the documentation. For the preparation of the main project, the approvals of the electricity distribution, the heating plant, the fire department of the Ministry of the Interior, JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija” and JKP “Skloništa” are needed.
After the conceptual design, the main project follows, and only when all these documents are stamped by the city’s Urban Planning Secretariat, can the works on the plot be requested.
Material to build a house.
If you decide on a prefabricated house, its construction can cost you from 200 euros per square meter (without crafts), up to 450 euros for the “turnkey” system. In smaller places in the interior of Serbia, you can get a 30 square meter prefab house for as little as ten thousand euros.
If you opt for the classic construction, we have made an approximate calculation of how much a house of 150 m2 could cost you, with a basement of 80 m2. However, it must be taken into account that the prices of the materials vary depending on the quality, but also on the warehouse, so before starting construction it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the market and all the available options.
- Concrete: 90 to 120 cubic meters are needed. The price of concrete is around 60 euros per cubic meter, although it also depends on the transport and filling of the mixer. So, about 7,200 euros.
- Iron: 80 to 100 kilograms are needed per cubic meter. The price is from 0.5 euros to 1 euro per kilogram, depending on the diameter. Count on 12,000 euros.
- Blok: required for the construction of foundations and foundation walls. A 150-square-meter house requires around 7,000 blocks. The price of a block is around 0.3 euros per piece, so it is advisable to reserve 2,100 euros for this article.
- Brick: 3,000 to 5,000 pieces are needed to build partition walls. The price is 0.15 euros per piece. A total of 750 euros.
- Material (lumber, planks, beams) – 10-15 cubic meters are needed. The price is around 200 to 250 euros per cubic meter, which means a total of 3,750 euros.
- Sand: about 20 cubic meters are needed. The price is around 12 euros per cubic meter, that is, up to 250 euros.
- Lime and cement: 6 to 8 tons are needed. The price is around 120 euros per ton. A total of 960 euros.
- Roof covering: About 175 m2 of roofing is required. The price of the tile is around 5.5 euros per square meter, which represents a total of just under 1,000 euros.
Carpentry: The important question here is whether you have opted for the increasingly popular wood or ALU / PVC joinery. The price of a 120 × 140 cm double-pane wooden window is around 120 euros. The interior doors cost from 60 to 120 euros depending on the material and size, while the entrance door can be found between 190 and 500 euros. With regard to PVC carpentry, the price of the windows ranges between 110 euros, while the front door can be found from 200 euros.

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Author: delivery courier